Lee Know x Trans male reader (Stray Kids)

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Tsundere! Lee Know

A bit of angst, more fluff

⚠️Trigger warning, transphobic comments⚠️

Requested by SickasFrickPhan


There he is, your crush Minho with a few of his friends. You sat at the lunch table, alone, and away from every one else. You didn't mind it that way, as everyone was either filled with drama or theyre two timing sluts. You couldn't be bothered.

Once you finished eating, you stood up, pushing your chair out.

"What the fuck!" A male voiced scowled.

Your eyes widen as you saw who it was. It was Myung, captain of the sports teams (he is in all of the sports).

"I'm sorry Myung!" You apologized, and bowed.

"Sorry doesn't cut it tranny!" Myung hissed and pulled your hair. "I can't hit a girl. Call yourself lucky!" He let your hair go and you winced a little, as your head started to hurt.

"He's not a girl! And he's a better man then you'll ever be!"

You gasped at the voice. It was Minho. You watched as he grabbed Myung and pushed him to the floor.

"Why does everyone think he is so rude? He is one of the nicest people I know."


It was the next day. You wanted to talk to Minho. You wanted to thank him.

You smiled as you saw him at his locker. With one last big breath, you walked over to him and taped him on the shoulder.

"What you want Felix?" Minho barked, making you step back a little. "Oh it's you."

"I wanted to say thank you for helping me yesterday." You said.

"Yeah whatever. Just wanted to put him in his spot." Minho said and grabbed his books.

You knew this would be hard to do, as he isn't easy to get along with a first meet. But he is really sweet once you know him.

"Well? Are you just gonna stand there? Move. I gotta go to class."


"Oh right, sorry." You moved out of his way and he walked off.


The next day. It was lunch again. You sat alone like normal.

"Is this seat taken?"

You looked up and saw Chan, one of Minho's friends.

"No." You replied.

Chan smiled and sat beside you.

You were nervous. Why would he come sit with you?

"Because you looked lonely. And Myung was being an idiot towards you. I just wanted to see if you're okay. And we support you." Chan said, mentioning his friends, who were coming to the table.

"Wow. I said that out loud. Good going y/n! And damn, are people actually wanting to sit with me?"

"You're y/n right? I think we have a few classes together!" Hyunjin exclaimed and started rambling, asking questions about the classes.


It was lunch again. A week went by and you felt like you were finally starting to make friends. But Minho, he hardly talked. And when he did, it would come out harsh. Sometimes he even got scolded by the hyungs.

"Here." Minho said, and handed you a bag. "Happy birthday."

You were shocked. How did he know?

"Y/n! It's your birthday?!" Seungmin exclaimed and pouted.

"Idiot." You heard Minho whisper and you chuckled.

You opened the bag and inside was a binder. A chest binder.


"Let me know if it doesn't fit. I'll get you another one then." Minho interrupted.

You stood up and hugged him. You were so happy, it is your first binder. No need to wear sports bras now and bundle up in many shirts just too appear a flatter chest. What surprised you the most, were his arms wrapping around you.


It was gym. You hated gym. You couldn't wear your binder, and you couldn't put on layers of clothes.

"Why does he always go to to the stalls to change?" You heard one of your classmates whisper.

"Fuck off." Minho hissed at him, and shoved you into the stall and stood guard. Once the others weren't looking and too focused on there own conversations and stuff, Minho started to speak.

"Here. I bought you a better shirt for gym." Minho said and threw the shirt over the stall. It was a big shirt, perfect for working out in. "And this." And a sports bra landed on your head. It was a compression one.

"Wow, I'm so thankful.. He is buying me a lot.. Why?"

"Wow.. thank you so much Minho." You thanked.

"Your welcome."


You were laying in bed, thinking about Minho. You feel like this is all a dream. You're friends with your crush. You couldn't be more happier. Even of you wanted to be more, you were grateful enough to be just friends.



You busy tomorrow?

No why?

Do you like bowling?

Yeah, but I'm not that good

Great. I'll pick you up then

I'll pay then if you're picking me up

I'm paying
This is a date so I'll pay

A date?

You don't like me?
I'm sorry then, nevermind

I do like you Minho! I have even before we became friends
I never said anything because I didn't want to frighten you, and lose you as my friend

You won't lose me
I'll pick you up tomorrow then yeah? 7pm?

Sounds great. See you then

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