Lucas x Winwin (WayV)

763 17 6

Fluff, angst, relationship
Winwin! Centric

Requested by YasminAsilah


The members of WayV are playing games for a new show they are working on. Each episode will be of a member who have to do a few challenges throughout the day without getting caught. Whoever doesn't get caught they get to chose what to eat for a night, and the loser who got caught most pays for the food. There will be hidden cameras around the home (besides bedrooms and bathrooms), so it will be less obvious to who has the missions.

No one knows who is going first, they will be told when they are told.

One member on the other hand, is a bit nervous on how this will work out. He is nervous of what he has to do. Will he get hurt? Will the other members get hurt?

"Are you alright babe?" Yukhei asked Sicheng.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired is all." Winwin answered. Lucas kissed his nose.

"Go take a nap then okay?" Lucas said and gently played with Winwin's hair.

Sicheng smiled and listened,  pulling the blankets over him and fell asleep, escaping from the world into dream land.


Yangyang got a call from the  manager. He is the first member to go. His first mission is to hug another member.

"Hey Lucas!" Yangyang exclaimed and sat next to the member, wrapping his arm around the member giving him a side hug.

"Hey" Lucas replied. "What's up?"

"Not much. Wheres Win?"

"Resting. He said he was tired."

Well, he was awake and saw everything. "I wont be jealous, they are just friends."


It was the next day and this time, it was Kun's turn.

One of his missions was put pictures of himself over 5 pictures that are currently hanging up.

So when he got the pictures, and the members were doing there own thing, he carefully taped his picture of himself on different frames.

"The hell you doing?" Ten exclaimed.

Well, it looks like Kun is the first member to get caught.


The last day arrived. It was Winwin's turn. Only Kun, Lucas and Ten got caught doing something. He was nervous, so nervous. His stomach was doing flips and he felt like he could throw up any moment.

His mission was to ignore the members. Including Lucas. Last time he ignored Lucas (they had a fight).. let's just say the other members all left the dorm for quietness.

The difference this time, it's being recorded.

"Um.. I'm not sure that's a good idea.." Winwin said on the phone with his manager.

"And why not? It's not a big deal! It's part of the game! They will understand and it means nothing! It's for the fans. It's not like you are dating one of them."

"But I am."

"No if ands or buts! You're doing it that's final!"

He put down his phone and fiddled with his bed blanket.

"Are you okay babe?" Lucas asked, walking to Wins side of the room.

"M'fine." He replied and stood up before Lucas could do anything to him. "Imma shower." And then he left to go into the bathroom.


Win was in the shower, hyperventilating and crying. He didn't know what to do. He doesn't wanna ignore his members and his boyfriend. That's a risk of causing so much tension, for a game or not, it's still rude and he doesn't wanna do it.

"Baby get out, you need to calm." Win heard Lucas's voice. Win shakingly turned off the water and opened the curtain, Lucas automatically wrapped a towel around Win and helped him out. Lucas helped him to dry and change into some comfy clothes and sat him on the bed. Lucas held Winwin, rubbing circles on his back and whispering sweet things for him to hear.

After about half an hour, Win calmed down.

"Baby what's going on? Please don't push me away.."

"Todays my day.. I have to ignore everyone. I-I can't do that . I won't do that!"

Win started to panic again.

"Baby shhh shhh! It's okay, you don't have to do it, we won't make you." Lucas said, and held his boyfriend even closer to him.

Win sniffled and Lucas wiped his tears away.

"Hey Kun made breakfast- what's wrong Win?" Hendery asked.

"Today was his day for the game, but he is really uncomfortable of doing it." Lucas informed.

"That's okay, no worries. Let's just go eat yeah? We can see if we can all play a game together instead." Hendery said. Win thought for a moment and nodded his head agreeing.

The 3 went into the dining room and everyone ate. Xiao Jun called their manager (who wasn't that happy that Win didn't want to participate in the individual games, so he agreed that they will all play games together).

They ended up playing Jenga, Mario Kart and Twister. At the end of the games, the staff done the totals. Turns out Winwin had won, and Xiao Jun lost.

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