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I had to drink to forget you but in reality I was remembering you and I was drinking my anger away and I just wanted to feel numb and get away from it all you brought me the sun when I most needed it but then you took it right away wait no you didn't I have to stop blaming you and accept that it was my fault it was both ours specially mine for getting too close again knowing I was going to get burned and yours for "unintentionally" pulling me in. The minute it all stopped it all got dark and scary and lonely I had needed you several times again  at least I thought but I just needed shelter somewhere to stay while all my storms where over, a place of warmth and I thought I had also found one but  that place turned out to be toxic and I guess it wasn't the right place for me to be it wasn't safe either so I stayed hidden in a place only I know alone I had to get through the storm alone and months have been passing by and I have seen sunny days and rainy days I'm still scared but this time I come out of storms with armor and I'm slowly starting to build walls, my own shelter and when I'm done and when all this is over everything will start to change I won't be the same.//9.1.18-11:37pm

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