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I remember feeling like it was all my fault I remember just going crazy not being able to make things better not being able to get you back and only having you hate me because now that I've changed for the better I have realized that our relationship was never meant to be and it wasn't only my fault it was both ours but it was more mine than yours because I knew how broken you were before I got with you but I had hopes on me fixing you and you letting me in and actually loving me but you left me in the middle of the door waiting for you to tell me come in while I always let you into mine I was forcing you to let me in by force and I know that was wrong of me to I should've given you time but I was hurting and feeling abandoned by the lack of love you were giving me it all started to feel like you didn't love me and when I told you that something bothered me you turned again and pretended like you didn't hear me and one night I just decided to end it because I had all these toxic pasts relationships I had stayed in hoping one day they were going to change and I was also living in fear of regret of regretting me making a mistake but all I did was wait until they left me and I didn't want that . I just couldn't take anyone leaving me from 2015 all I gained was trust issues and that's become a problem for me. Honestly I could apologize to you for the times I've hurt you I honestly hadn't realized it back then but it's been a year and I've realized it all so I'm going to say this for the last time so I'm sorry for everything. 4.3.18-11:31 pm

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