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No one has made me feel so unappreciated, humiliated or unworthy as you did I thought you would be different knowing my ex lovers stories and by you judging them but you turned out to be worse you actually made me feel worthless so worthless it hurt me so bad and you blamed me for everything and called me out with lies saying I never loved you and that I used you. When you know damn right that was all lies if anyone has ever tried so hard to love you and make you happy while leaving herself behind was me you have no idea how much I cared for you, for you to tell me all I did was use you. If you are going to be done with me at least hit me with the truth you gave me a thousand excuses but only two of them were true but coming to my senses after being pathetic and begging you to stay while you kept pushing me away you hurt me so bad but so bad i just really wanted to end my life I just wanted you to stay at least until I got better so I wouldn't fall apart like I did today I needed you and I told you but I can't make you stay and that's okay it's not the first time someone treats me like trash after being left, I'm just sorry I wasn't good enough for you while I was trying not to be too much.//5.22.18-1:13am

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