
13 1 0

I wish you were with me right now always and forever I wish you would just love me why can't you just love me it's all I would ever want in this miserable world as long as I have you I don't need anything else nor anyone else you are the one thing the one person that keeps me calm whenever I'm a high sea of emotions I just want to I need you now but I can't have you the way that I want to it sucks but I have to live with it because I don't want a broken heart in the future I don't want a destroyed me I'm just starting to rebuild myself from last year's bullshit and I'm getting better. I love you and I always will no matter what you do or say I just do. I'm just glad that at least I have you as a friend I will always love you even though you might not feel the same way keeping you in my life is the best and worse I could ever do .2.2.18

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