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You are holding me captive in a cage torturing me with your fake love it's sweet but in the end it's all bitter just realizing you don't love me but you still want to keep me and I just wonder why but every time I ask your answers always seem so insincere and it triggers me to think that you do want me but you won't admit it or you know how good I am to you and how devoted I am to you and only you. I honestly don't mind being here caged and kept around because I still have hopes of you coming back to tell me it's over that you finally give in and that your love for me is as good and intense as mine, but honestly that's just daydreaming . These days I've been wanting to be set free, I just want to walk away, away from you and everything that has to do with you because I'm ready to let go but honestly my heart is the one that's actually has me caged in a love that's not mine but someone else's that is now your lover and I just wait and sit around like tangled locked up in her tower waiting for her prince to come and safe her but then again that's daydreaming of a fairy tale that won't ever come true. I need to be the one that saves myself from all this I need to be my own Prince Charming and rule my own life. I just need to accept the fact that not everyone you love will always be in your life. That love you have for him give it to yourself after all you deserve it.//7.15.18-6:16pm

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