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I'm tired of the skies always reminding me of you. Like when it's stormy outside I feel so cozy and sad in my bed because all I can think about it's how gray the skies are because gray was his favorite color. And how at night when I'm walking home I look up at the stars and I remember that one night he was walking me to the train station from his house and he knew how much I admired the stars and everything up there and he pointed them out because in New York it's rare seeing them most times because of all the lights and it surprised me because it showed me that he actually payed attention to me something most people don't do and every night when I look up at those stars I pretend like he's listening somewhere out there in New York I just start hoping that every time he looks up and sees the stars he remembers me and smiles. I always ask the stars the moon and the whole universe to take care of him for me even though she's right besides him.//7.30.18-3:36am

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