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It's so sad that most of us are worrying about the simplest things while millions are getting hurt I hate wars and they make sick I pray to god that one day all these wars might be over I wish I lived in a normal world a world of peace in a world where we don't have to kill innocent people for things I want a world where we can all get a long and if not we would keep distance but we wouldn't have to fight . I know there are other ways to fight for things without violence, see violence is one of this world is biggest problems. The reason I think this world is so fucked up is because love is simply fading nowadays people chose power and money and it makes them selfish and blind and it all makes me sad and it's one of the reasons I don't want to live in this world anymore it disgusts me, it does just thinking about how the future is actually going to be, that's the main reason why I rather not have kids I don't want them to suffer and further into the future all I see is more wars, less nature and more technology eating people is brains out how can someone live in a world like that and love is going to be harder to find I don't even think there is going to be any left. I'm always going to have hope when it's all dark and it may seem like it's all ending it's what you hold on to the most. //4.15.18-3:16am-listening to music while I'm watching tv.

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