Chapter 27

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Autor's Note: So sorry for not updateing sooner. Please forgive me. Don't forget to vote, comment, and fan. I hope you like this chapter.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

I woke up to the smell of coffee, bacon, and eggs cooking. My stomach growled as I dressed out of my nightgown and into my riding clothes. I decided that I would go with Edmund and Drake to the capital. I packed my bags quickly, then walked into the kitchen.

“Good morning, Nikolas,” said Beatrice cheerfully.

“Good morning. Breakfast looks good. I’m starved.”

“Well then have a seat. Food is ready,” replied Beatrice as she poured a cup of coffee for me. She placed a plate in front of me and then sat down.

“Lord,” began Beatrice, “we thank you for this meal. Please bless us this day and help us to bless the people we meet. And please keep Nikolas safe. Amen.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“For what?”

“For being so kind to me. For praying for me. For letting me, a stranger, into your home. When I get back, I want to reward you somehow. Tell me what it is you wish and it will be granted,” I explained.

“Meeting and talking with you is reward enough. Don’t worry about it. I do not need a reward for something that rewards itself.”

“If you insist. I deci- oh! Never mind,” I stop myself from saying when I was leaving.

Beatrice slightly nods like she knew what I was about to say. I help clear the table and wash the dishes. Beatrice wipes her hands on her apron and says, “I have to go to a patient’s house today and check on a broken bone. Would you like to come and help?”

“No, thank you. I think I will take a walk today. Maybe browse some of the shops in town. Thank you again for letting me stay with you.”

“It’s no problem at all really. I’ll see you when I get back in about two hours,” replied Beatrice as she was leaving the room.

“See you soon,” I called back.

I walked back to my room and grabbed 50 coins out of my bag. ‘This should cover for my stay,’ I thought as I placed the coins on the kitchen table. I checked my provisions and then strapped my sword and dagger around my waist. I put on my quiver and, with bags and bow in hand, walked out of the quaint house. I paid for the care of my horse and lead her to the church, where the men were meeting. I pulled my coat closer. The snow from last night was already starting to melt.

There was a group of men standing around their horses. They all varied in age and looks. I searched the crowd for Edmund. He was standing at the church steps talking to Drake about which roads we are to take. I walked up to Ed and Drake.

“Hello, Nikolas. Are you ready to go?” asked Ed.

“I am. Will we be leaving soon?”

“Right after we decide on which road to take. We can go down Rose or Hibiscus.” (They name their main roads after flowers in Great Lektra) “Rose is shorter but it is more commonly used which means more bandits. Hibiscus is less traveled but has a river running across it which we will have to ford,” said Drake.

“Why even take a road? We can travel through the forest next to the river. That way we will always have water and the river runs right next to the castle,” I said.

“That is a great idea,” replied Edmund.

“Are we ready men?” bellowed Drake.

“Ya!” everyone answered.

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