Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

I asked Sir Walter where he went when I found out my father was poisoned. He did not answer, but he avoided the question instead. I am scared I might be his next victim.

Last night, father started hallucinating. He kept thinking there were insects crawling on him, or that there was man trying to slit his throat. I am worried about father. He could die at any moment. The doctor has confirmed that my father was poisoned by the Devil’s Trumpet. I keep praying for a miracle, but I fear my prayers might be in vain.

Today is the ball. I wrapped my arm in a new cloth. It burned whenever I lifted it. I prayed that God would heal my arm so I could go to the ball unsuspected. Emily came into my room and helped me prepare. We tried many hairstyles until I decided on a simple bun with a braid wrapped around the bottom. I put on my dress. It fit perfectly. I loved that dress, but I hated the occasion I had to wear it to. I felt like I was celebrating my own death. I slipped my shoes on.

“You look beautiful, Arianna. I wish I could go to a ball. I don’t have anything to wear if I could go anyway,” said Emily.

“I have plenty of dresses you could borrow,” I replied.

“I would love to be able to wear one of your luxurious gowns, but I have to work tonight. King’s orders,” Emily said sorrowfully.

“I’m sorry you can’t go. It would make the ball much more fun if you went,” I said.

After several minutes of silence Emily said, “well, the ball is about to start, so you should get down there. Have fun tonight.”

“I’ll try,” I said as I walked out of my bedroom. I knocked on the girls’ room and heard a soft “come in” from inside. “Are you girls ready?” I asked.

“Almost. Could you help me with the last two buttons? I can’t seem to reach them,” said Amelia. I walked over to her side and quickly fastened the buttons.

“Are you excited?” I asked.

“Yes, I am. I’m also very nervous. I’ve never been to a ball before. What if someone asks me to dance? I don’t know what I would say,” said Amelia.

“Say this to the man, ‘I would be honored to dance with you.’ But only agree if you have been introduced to him, he is handsome, and he is respectable. If he does not possess these qualities then say, ‘I’m sorry to tell you I must decline your invitation.’ Do not chase after him and say you changed your mind if he walks away in a depressed manner,” I answered.

“I’ll try to remember. I’m ready now. Shall we go find the boys?” asked Amelia.

“I believe that is a splendid idea. But first, where is Jasmine?”

“I’m right here,” said Jasmine as she walked into the room, wearing a gorgeous purple gown. It suited her perfectly.

“Let’s go,” I said. We made sure Sarah was asleep and walked out of the room. I knocked on the boys’ door. Cooper opened it and allowed us to enter.

“You look beautiful,” said Cooper referring to all three of us girls.

“Thank you,” replied Jasmine and I simultaneously.

“I never would’ve guessed you two were twins,” said Cooper.

“Are you ready to go?” asked Amelia.

“I believe so,” said Henry. “You girls look marvelous.”

“You’re not so bad yourself,” said Jasmine.

“Why thank you,” replied Henry.

We walked out of the room and Cooper offered Amelia his arm. “Will you do me the honor, of allowing me to be your escort for tonight, my dearest sister?”

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