Chapter 19

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Chapter Nineteen

I ran to my father’s bedchamber. ‘This can’t be happening. Not now.’ I turned the corner and found two guards standing in front of the door. “Let me in,” I demanded. The guards immediately opened the doors and I walked in. Jasmine was sitting by my father’s bedside. Sir Walter stood by the foot of the bed, and my grandfather, Duke Lawrence, stood next to Sir Walter. I ran to my father’s bedside, next to Jasmine.

“Jasmine and Arianna, I am sorry for separating you when you were younger. I am sorry for not telling you,” said King Phillip.

“I forgive you, father,” said Jasmine.

“Do not interrupt me, Jasmine. Duke Lawrence, I do not remember ever thanking you properly for allowing me to marry your daughter several years ago. She was the joy of my life. Sir Walter, thank you for taking care of my kingdom while I was ill. Please take care of my daughter. Be kind to her, and if you do not love her with all your heart, then do not marry her. And get rid of the thief Nikolas. That is my last wish for you. Arrest him as soon as possible.”

“I will, Your Majesty,” said Sir Walter.

“Arianna,” said King Phillip.

“Yes, father. I’m here,” I replied.

"My precious daughter,” he said as he took my hand in his. “I am sorry I was never there for you. I’m sorry I pushed you to get married. I’m sorry I never was the father you deserve. You deserve much more than the life I have given you. I’m sorry. And my last wish for you is that you will find out who poisoned me, your mother, and Mathew. I love you, Arianna. I’m sorry for everything. I’m so, I’m so sorry,” my father said breathlessly. He closed his eyes. His breathing stopped, and his complexion turned pale.

“Father. Father you can’t leave me! Not now! You’ve got to wake up! You can‘t leave me!” I yelled. I started to shake father, as if it would bring him back to life.

“Arianna, he’s gone! He’s gone! There’s nothing you can do!” yelled Sir Walter as he pulled me away from my father.

“Let go of me! Father wake up! Let me go!” I shouted.

Sir Walter carried me to my room, I flung my arms and legs trying to free myself from Sir Walter’s grasp. A guard opened my bedroom door and Sir Walter carried me in. He dropped me onto my bed. My face was wet with tears and my muscles throbbed from trying to escape.

“He can’t be dead! Not now! I need my father!” I yelled.

Sir Walter slapped me. My cheek stun from his blow. “Stop it! The king is dead! You can’t do anything about it! Now stop your sobbing and go to sleep!” shouted Sir Walter as he left me alone in my room. I heard the door lock behind him.

I felt so alone in the world. I felt like a big black hole was slowly consuming my heart. I cried and cried but it did not end my pain.

* * *

I heard Arianna crying in her room. ‘The king is dead,’ I thought. I walked over to her door and turned the handle. The door didn’t budge. ‘Locked.’ Sir Walter must have done it. I walked down the stairs and outside to the courtyard. I saw a candle shining through Arianna’s window. I located the pulley system used in case of emergencies and started to pull myself up to her window. I knocked on the glass and peered through. Arianna lifted her head and looked at me. She stood up and unlocked the window. I opened it and crawled through.

“Hey, baby,” I said.

“Oh, Henry!”

“Shhh. Come here,” I said as I opened my arms to give her comfort. We sat on her bed together. She started to cry again. Her tears made a puddle on my shirt.

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