Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four

“Sir Walter is convicted of murder, and lying to the court!” yelled Sir Peter. “Therefore, he is sentenced to hang by the neck until dead!”

Sir Walter walked up to the platform. His back straight, fire in his eyes, and not saying a word. Most criminals were silent when facing death. I don’t know why his silence made me shiver. There was something about his pride when walking up to the noose. A chill ran down my back. I watched Sir Walter as he looked into the crowd, as if he was searching for someone. Then his eyes met mine. I frowned. His lips curved into a malicious grin. A man put the noose around his neck.

“Any final words?” asked Sir Peter.

 Sir Walter didn't say a word.

The crowd remained silent. A man pulled the lever and the floor underneath Sir Walter collapsed. Sir Walter gasped, trying to breathe. It was not long until his limp body started to sway in the wind. People started to leave. I decided to search for the doctor who helped Arianna.

I walked around the square looking for the doctor. Finally, I found his house. I knocked on the door. The doctor opened it and allowed me to enter. He took me to his back study.

“I assume you want to talk about the princess,” he said.

“Yes, doctor,” I replied.

“Please, call me Trent,” he asked.

I agreed. “Is she alright?”

“When she left she was just fine.”

“And you gave her the clothes? And the weapons?”

“Yes, yes I did. I also cut her hair.”

“You cut her hair? Why on earth would you do that?” I asked.

“So that she will look like a boy. Her hair gave everything away, Henry.”

“Which direction did she go?”

“She went east,” answered Trent.

We sat in silence for a moment.

“I worry about her,” I said.

“I know. I worry about her too. Everyone who wants her on the throne worries about her. There is nothing I can do, or say that will make you stop worrying, I know that for certain. You love her deeply, don’t you?”

“I do. Very much, sir. How could you tell?”

“It wasn’t hard,” Trent chuckled. “The way you ask after her, the way you risked your life helping her escape, how you objected when she was sentenced to life in prison, you fought in a tournament for her. Anyone can see it. Just keep her in your prayers. She will always be in mine.”

“Thank you. Have a nice day,” I said as I got up to leave.

I walked back to the castle, deep in my thoughts. So many things have happened. One, I started to live in the castle. Two, I fell in love with a princess. Three, my sister became a princess. Four, I had to fight for my true love and lost her. Five, Arianna turned out to be a thief. Six, King Phillip was murdered. Seven, Arianna was arrested. Eight, Arianna was sentenced to life in prison and Sir Walter hanged. Nine, my best friend was arrested without me knowing. And ten, I have to help Arianna get her throne back.

* * *

I looked up at the sun to judge what time it was. ‘A little past noon,’ I thought. I stopped my horse and dismounted. I tied the reins around a tree and got a piece of bread out of my saddlebag. I looked around at the trees and bushes. A blueberry bush and an apple tree were nearby. I started to pick the berries and ate them. I climbed up the apple tree and started to harvest some of the apples. I got down from the tree and put the apples into my saddlebags. Then I started to ride again.

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