Chapter 4

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Chapter Four

When got back to the castle father told me that I did not have to go to my lessons today. I am grateful for that. I do not think I would have been able to pay any attention. I went to my room and called for Emily to come. I needed someone to talk to.

The door opened and Emily walked in. “I wish there was something I could do to help, but I can’t think of anything. I’m sorry Arianna,” said Emily.

“It’s not your fault,” I replied. “I wish that there was something I could do that would change father’s mind, or at least postpone the wedding for longer than 4 months. Do you have any ideas?”

“Not any good ones. What would happen if you didn’t say ‘I do’ at the altar?”

“I don’t know. The penalty for disobeying the king is life in prison or death. Depends on how great the crime. And father wouldn’t show any mercy to me to because I’m his daughter. Let’s think for awhile,” I said. We sat there together thinking. I don’t know how long it took for one of us to get an idea. But each one was a bad idea but well planned. “I got it!”

“What is your idea?” asked Emily excitingly.

“This plan would help me and my people. As you know, the tax collector goes around once a week to collect the money. He always takes the back roads because he is afraid that someone would rob him if he takes the common roads. Do you remember hearing a story about this man named Robin Hood?” I explained.

“Yes. Robin Hood stole from the rich and gave to the poor. But what does he have anything to do with you?” asked Emily.

“Just listen. Picture me wearing a man’s clothes with my hair pulled up underneath a hat, and wearing a mask. I see myself looking like a man. Now imagine me-”

“I don’t like where this is going,” Emily interrupted. “Let me guess what you were going to say. You want to dress as a man, rob the tax collector once a week, then give the money back to the poor. I can see how this helps your people but how does it keep you from marrying Sir Walter?” asked a very confused Emily.

“Well if you stop talking I will explain! Father would be so busy trying to arrest this “man” that he would have to postpone the wedding. That would give me enough time to think of another plan. It’s perfect!” I said.

“What if you get arrested?”

“Anything is better than marrying Sir Walter.”

“I’m still not sure this is a good idea. But it is the best one we’ve had. Where would you get the clothes?”

“From one of the only men I know I can trust,” I said.

“And who’s that?” asked Emily.

“Cooper! I bet I can fit his clothes perfectly! I’ll just sneak into his room tonight and borrow his clothes! Trust me. I’m pretty good with the bow and arrow, and mother made me learn how to use a dagger for protection. I’ll practice tomorrow with them, and I’ll try using the sword too. I’m so excited about this!”

“But stealing is a sin Arianna. How can you steal knowing that you are going against God?” asked Emily. She seemed very concern for me.

“I’m sure God would understand that I’m doing a good thing. I’m helping people.”

“It’s still a sin though.”

“I realize that. I won’t kill anyone and I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me,” I reassured.

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