Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

The next few weeks leading up to the tournament were filled with practicing, preparing, and of course, robberies. We announced that my sister, Jasmine, has been “found.” We had a big banquet to celebrate. I have never been this worried in my life. Henry has practiced every available minute. I watched Sir Walter practice, to judge if Henry had a better chance at winning. Sir Walter missed the target in archery every time, and his jousting was terrible. This gave me hope.

I told Henry to meet me in the courtyard the night before the tournament. I needed to give him something. I sat on a bench, surrounded by a thick blanket of night. I heard footsteps behind me and I turned around.

“You wanted to see me Arianna?” asked Henry.

“Yes. Sit next to me,” I said. Henry sat on the bench. I took his hand in mine. “Father will want me to give my favor to Prince Garrett tomorrow. So I want to give you my real one now.” I handed him a small handkerchief and kissed his forehead. “I love you, and wish you the best of luck.”

“Thank you, Arianna,” Henry replied. He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. “I will try my best.”

“I know you will. Let’s pray,” I said. We prayed for more than an hour. We prayed for Prince Garrett and Jasmine, for Henry, for everyone’s protection, and mostly for Sir Walter. We prayed for Sir Walter’s protection, and that God would open his heart.

I woke up the morning of the tournament with butterflies not only in my stomach but all over my body. I could barely pick out what dress to wear. I called Emily and she helped me put on my dress and tie my hair beautifully.

“Are you nervous?” Emily asked.

“Are you joking? I’m hysterical. I stayed up half the night praying that Henry will win. Emily, what would you do if you were me?” I asked.

“Pray. Trust in God. Trust Henry. Arianna, you need to relax. If you are relaxed, Henry will not be as nervous. Which will give him courage and he will compete better. You also must show courage. A verse that always helps me when I am afraid is Joshua 1:9,” replied Emily.

“What does it say?”

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you, wherever you go.”

“That’s a wonderful verse. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

After breakfast, someone knocked on the door and Emily opened it. Jasmine, Amelia, Cooper, and Sarah were standing there. “Are you ready?” asked Cooper.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I answered.

We walked out of my room and down the long corridor, down the seemingly endless flight of stairs and several more corridors. We walked across a courtyard and through a gate that leads to a field next to the castle.

The field was filled with people and horses. High bleachers were built on one side of the field. On the other side was a smaller, covered stand for the Royals, Dukes, Duchesses, Ladies and Nobles. The field was divided in half. One half for the archery, the other for the jousting. Horses with colorful saddles, and bridles were tied to a nearby post.

We got in a carriage to take us to our seats. I waved to the people as we rode by and searching for any sign of Henry. I finally spotted him picking out a bow with Fredrick. I saw Sir Walter and Prince Garrett talking to each other. ‘Heavenly Father, please be with Henry. Please keep him safe and help him to win. Make his arrow straight and give his horse wings like eagles’. Please be with Prince Garrett. Help him to be horrible and lose so he can be with Jasmine. And, Lord, please keep Sir Walter safe today,’ I prayed.

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