Chapter 11

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Chapter Eleven

Today we are supposed to announce the tournament in town. I was talking to Prince Garrett before we left while Arianna was getting herself ready.

“Are you good at jousting?” I asked Prince Garrett.

“Considerably well I’ve been told. I don’t think I’m that well at it though,” he answered.

“Garrett is amazing. He is the champion in all of Saritopland,” said King Derek, joining in the conversation.

“How are you at the game?” asked Prince Garrett.

“I’ve never participated in jousting. I prefer archery or swordplay. But a knight has been patiently teaching me,” I answered.

“This might make the tournament interesting. I heard Princess Arianna asked her father if you could participate. Is it true?” asked King Derek.

“Yes, it is true,” I said.

“You must be very happy about that. There’s no doubt who she’ll give her favor to at the beginning of the joust,” said Prince Garrett.

“That person would be me,” said Sir Walter as he walked up to us.

“Strange. I specifically heard Arianna say that you argue with her more than not,” said King Derek. I smiled at his remark. I was glad to hear Sir Walter being contradicted.

“She was lying,” countered Sir Walter.

“Princess Arianna seemed like she was telling the truth,” said King Derek.

“Arianna is a very good actress,” replied Sir Walter.

“On the contrary, I’m a horrible actress,” said Arianna as she walked towards us. She was wearing a beautiful purple gown, her hair was put up in a braid and laid across her head like a crown. She was absolutely breathe taking. “What were you saying about me?” she asked.

“We were talking about your many talents. Sir Walter was just saying that you were a great actress,” said Prince Garrett.

“Were you, Sir Walter? And what other talents do I have?” she asked. I love the way she can make a man know when he has lied.

“You read at least 4 books a week, you paint marvelously, and you sing very well,” replied Sir Walter.

“Thank you,” she blushed.

“Is everyone ready to go?” asked King Phillip.

“I believe so,” answered King Derek.

We all got in the carriage. Sir Walter helped Princess Arianna get in. I saw the look of disgust Arianna had when he lifted her up by her waist. We rode in the carriage to town. We passed by my old house when I was an only child. It brought back many memories. We went by the little shack I lived in just a few weeks ago. I thought about how much has changed in those weeks. I’m living in a palace, I eat until my stomach is completely full every day, I fell in love with a princess, I fought a bear, and I’m going to fight in a tournament for the hand of my love. We finally arrived in town where the announcement bell is. I helped Arianna out first by holding her hand. I did not want any of those fools to take advantage of her.

“Attention everyone!” yelled King Phillip after the bell was rung. “There has been a change of plans. A few weeks ago, I told you that my daughter, Princess Arianna, is engaged to Sir Walter. Those plans have changed. Three men have come together and decided to compete for her hand in marriage. First they will compete in archery. The two closest to the center of the target will joust each other,” explained King Phillip.

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