Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

Father’s health would not get any better. A doctor was sent to his room everyday. He has been sick for five days now. I am worried about him. He has all the signs that Mathew and mother had when they were ill. Vomiting, irregular heartbeat, fever, and his skin has a red tint to it. I visit his room everyday.

“Father, you’ve got to get better. I cannot lose you right now,” I whispered as if he could hear me in his sleep. The doctor walked into the room and I stepped away from the bed. He examined my father in silence.

“He’s not doing well. Has he woken up at all?” asked the doctor.

“Only to vomit,” I answered. Right after I spoke, father’s eyes flew open.

“Who are you?” he yelled.

“You mean you don’t know who I am?” I replied as I moved his hair away from his brow.

“Where am I?”

“You’re in your room, at the castle. How are you feeling, father?”

“I am not your father. I have no children. Who are you and why am I in a castle?”

“Doctor, what’s going on?” I asked very confused.

“I believe he has amnesia,” replied the doctor.


“It’s when a person loses their memory. It can be either permanent or temporary. There’s no telling when he will get his memory back. But it’s very important that he stays in bed. It would be dangerous if he would to come across an enemy in this state,” said the doctor.

“Dangerous? How so?”

“An enemy could persuade him that he is not the king or that he was going to give the kingdom to them. There are millions of possibilities,” he explained.

“Why are you two talking as if I am not even here?” bellowed my father.

“Sir, you have been extremely ill. I am a doctor and this is your daughter, Princess Arianna. You are the king. You have amnesia currently. How do you feel?” asked the doctor.

“I have a headache, I feel dizzy, I’m thirsty and I feel like I’m about to vomit,” answered King Phillip.

“Princess Arianna, may I have a word with you in private?”

“Yes,” I replied as we walked out of the room. “What is it?”

“I believe your father has been poisoned.”

“Poisoned!” I gasped.

“Devil’s Trumpet to be exact. He has experienced all of the symptoms but hallucinations. If starts hallucinating, I’ll know he has been poisoned. Someone needs to stay with him at all times. King Phillip is in great danger of dying. There is no antidote for Devil’s Trumpet. Does he not have a poison tester?”

“Yes, he does. But he is healthier than ever. Nothing is wrong with him. How was father poisoned?” I asked.

“Devil’s Trumpet is ingested. It must have been in his food or wine. Who gave him his food, after the poison tester tried it, when he first started experiencing these symptoms?”

“I’m not sure,” I replied.

“You need to find out. Then we might have found the culprit. You go and I’ll stay here with you’re father,” said the doctor.

“Okay,” I agreed. I walked down the long corridors, and down the few steps to the kitchen. I looked around for the poison tester as everyone stopped their work and bowed.

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