Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-One

I woke up feeling just as tired as I felt when I went to sleep. My head was still on Fredrick’s shoulder. My skin had goose bumps and my stomach growled. I stretched my arms and yawned. I couldn’t tell if it was night or day. I woke Fredrick up and he yawned. I heard the jingle of keys and a ruff voice from the hallway. A guard opened a slot in the door and placed a tray of food inside.

“Where’s the other tray? There’s two people in here,” said Fredrick.

“Orders were one tray per cell, not per prisoner. Settle it amongst yourselves if you have to,” replied the guard.

“You eat it,” said Fredrick.

“No, you need your strength more than me,” I objected.

“I insist.”

“And I refuse. There’s no sense in wasting it either. Eat it, and that’s an order,” I said.

Fredrick ate his food in silence. I watched as a mouse came up to us. I was about to shoo it away when Fredrick gave it a crumb. “This is Lucy. She keeps me company,” said Fredrick.

“Are you serious? A mouse?”

“Yes. Is that a problem?”

“I guess not. But why did you choose the name Lucy?”

“Lucy was a girl in my old town. She was beautiful, sweet, and kind. She always put others before herself. I loved her. She gave me friendship when I was lonely and so does this small mouse,” explained Fredrick.

“Do you miss her?”

“Very much. I would die of shame if she were to see me like this. Imprisoned, beaten, and half starved,” said Fredrick.

I did not know how to respond to his statement. I would feel the same way if I wasn’t certain Henry loved me. An hour passed before a man came to collect our trays and to empty our buckets. I asked him when my trial was going to be held but he did not know. Fredrick and I waited for what seemed like hours. We prayed that God will protect us, and show the judge what do. Finally, the door scrapped along the floor and the hinges squeaked as Sir Walter took a step into the cell.

“Are you ready to be condemned?” Sir Walter asked.

“I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see you are unarmed,” I replied.

“William Shakespeare,” stated Fredrick.

I nodded.

“Are you saying I’m stupid?” asked Sir Walter.

“Not all,” I replied.

Sir Walter took two steps towards me. Before I knew it, my cheek stung and I held back tears. I could not show any weakness to him. He sees me as prey and himself as a predator. But I see him as field mouse and I the hawk. I smiled to myself. Sir Walter yanked my chains and brought me up to my feet.

“You will pay for that,” I spit quietly at him.

He yanks my chains again and we start walking. “I’ll be praying,” said Fredrick. I don’t get a chance to even utter a thanks to him. We walk along the hallway and prisoners whistle. I ignore them. Cooper soon joins me. Six guards create a rectangle around us, Sir Walter in the front. We walk up the staircase and down a several corridors.

My breathe stops halfway out my throat when we reach the large, looming doors that lead to the court. A guard opens the door and we walk through. Crowds are sitting in the balcony and on bleachers on two sides of the room. Four thrones sit empty at the head of the room. I usually would sit on the last one to the right, and my father would sit on the inner left throne. I’m lead to a chair and ordered to sit down. Two guards stand on either side of me, their spears forming an x in front of me. Cooper is lead to a podium and two guards stand on both sides of him, forming an x with their spears behind him. A trumpet blares and Jasmine walks in. She sits down on the throne I usually did. She looks tired and scared. Sir Walter walks up to her and kisses her hand. He sits down on my father’s old throne. He does not deserve it. The judge walks in and sits down in the corner. The jury walks in and sits down. The trial has begun.

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