Chapter 8

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Author's Note: Wow! I got this chapter done in 1 day! Yay! I hope you enjoy this chapter. Remember to vote and comment! And comment if you think you know who Jasmine is. By the way, I had to change Jasmine's age. She is now 18. (Same age as Arianna) ;)

Chapter Eight

I went straight to my room after I was sure Henry was not seriously injured. I had an exhausting and emotional day. I wanted only a warm bath and then to sleep. I called for Emily to draw a bath. I quickly undressed and got in the warm tub. My muscles loosened up and I took a deep relaxing breath. I washed the dirt off my skin and out of my hair. I got out of the tub and put on my nightdress. I called for Emily to take the tub away. When Emily came back, I told everything that had happened that day. She was shocked and concerned. I quickly reassured her that everything was fine. We wished each other goodnight and I crawled between the covers of my feather soft bed. I quickly fell into a deep sleep.

“Arianna. Arianna,” whispered a voice next to me.

“Who’s there?” I asked half asleep.

“It’s Amelia and Sarah. We had nightmares and we were wondering if we could sleep with you tonight?” said Amelia looking hopeful and tired.

“Sure. What were your nightmares?” I asked.

“The bear ate everyone,” said Sarah with a trembling voice.

“Why that’s a horrible nightmare. Come here,” I said as I reached my hand out to the little girl. Sarah and Amelia crawled on the bed and fell right to sleep.

‘I love these girls,’ I thought. I made a decision that night. I wanted to adopt these precious angels.

* * *

“You want to do what?” asked my father in surprise.

“I want to adopt Sarah, Amelia and Cooper. I would adopt Jasmine but she has past the age. If you do not allow me will you at least let them stay in the palace?” I said.

“Arianna, are you positive you want to do this?” he asked.

“Yes. I have prayed about it and I feel like this is something God wants me to do. Please, father,” I pleaded.

He stared at me with I look I could not read. “Have you talked to Sir Walter about it?”

“No, father. He would not agree. I’m sure of it. He does not like even being near commoners, let alone orphaned commoners. I see nothing wrong with them. But father, they now have a piece of my heart that can not be replaced by something else. Will you please think about it?” I asked.

“You need to talk to Sir Walter. Tell me what he says and then I shall think about it. There are some things that you need to know first,” father said.

“What are those things?” I asked.

We were rudely interrupted when a messenger walked in. “Forgive me for intruding, Your Majesty. But the king of Saritopland is here and request to talk to you in private. He said it

is very urgent,” the messenger said.

“Send him in. Arianna, please excuse us,” said my father.

“Yes, father,” I said as I walked out of the room. I went to my room and crawled through the tunnel so I could hear them talk. They greeted each other and sat down.

“Now tell my Derek, why have you come all the way over here? I know you do not want to just talk,” said King Phillip.

“I have a proposal for you. My son, Prince Garrett, is ready to get married. He is an only child and so is your daughter. I was thinking we can join them in marriage and our two countries can be joined into one. What do you think?” said King Derek.

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