Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

I sat by my father’s bedside all night. He would awaken occasionally, but only long enough to vomit and ask who I was. I am very frightened. If it were not for Henry’s comfort I would have gone mad long ago.

The doctor came in before the sun started to rise. “Go get some rest. I’ll stay here with the king,” said the doctor. I was grateful that he came in for the tax collector was making his rounds today. I had to go, but I was exhausted from staying up with my father. I went to my room and changed into Cooper’s clothes. I strapped a sword to my belt and stuck a knife into each of my boots. I quietly and carefully sneaked over to the stables, right under the guards’ eyes. I found my horse, Annabelle, and saddled her. I took the reigns and lead her to the giant stone wall. I knew I could not crawl through the small opening, like I usually do, with Annabelle. I walked along the wall, hidden by its dark shadows. The guards were trading post which was the perfect time to sneak out. The gate was open so that any guards who were going home could leave, and any guards who were coming could enter. I walked right out of the castle without being questioned by anyone.

‘Thank you, Lord,’

I prayed. Once out of the gate, I mounted Annabelle. I rubbed her neck and whispered, “I’m sorry you haven’t been able to see much action. Maybe that will change today.” I rode Annabelle at a walk towards the forest. My heart beating with the excitement. ‘Dear Heavenly Father,’ I prayed. ‘Please help me to stay awake. Please give me the strength needed to complete the task in front of me. And thank you for giving me Henry. Please do not let anyone take him away from me.’ I stopped my horse by a large tree and tied her securely so she would not get away. I climbed the tree lied in wait for the tax collector and his guards. It was all I could do not to fall asleep.

After what felt like days, I heard the rumble of a wagon. I got an arrow ready and waited. I felt my heart start to beat uncontrollably. Why was I so nervous? I have never been this nervous before, not even my first robbery.

The wagon creeped closer and closer until I could see clearly who was inside. Another new tax collector, Fredrick, and Sir Walter. I had to think of a new plan. The last time I shot an arrow at Sir Walter I nearly got myself killed. With that in mind, I aimed my arrow at the horse. As much as I hated to kill creatures, I had to do this. I took a deep breathe and released the arrow. Sir Walter immediately unsheathed his sword and jumped off the wagon.

“Show yourself!” Sir Walter demanded.

“Why do you insist on Nikolas showing himself? You know he will not willingly oblige to your biding,” said Fredrick.

“It’s worth a shot,” said the tax collector, answering for Sir Walter.

“Come down from that tree, Nikolas. We’ll fight here and now. The winner gets all the money. But I warn you, when you lose, I will have to arrest you,” said Sir Walter.

“Only you and I? Or will I have to fight three against one?” I asked.

“Just you, me, and our blades,” Sir Walter answered.

“Deal,” I say as I climb down the tree. I unsheathed my sword and assume my position. “I would hate to hurt your pride but, are you ready?” Sir Walter answered by assuming his position and lifting his blade.

We circled each other, waiting for the other to attack. I watched Sir Walter’s torso, which is where a person can predict his opponent’s actions. He lunged forward and I blocked. I sent a cluster of backhanded slashes and butterfly sweeps. Sir Walter dodged each one, stepping backwards. My arms started to burn with weight of the sword in my hands. I was exhausted and it took all the energy I could muster to pay attention to my surroundings. Sir Walter surprised me with an attack that I barely dodged. He cut into my left arm and I groaned as I felt the pain shoot through my arm. I felt the warm blood drip down, and I saw my sleeve darken from the red liquid. I lifted my sword just in time to block another attack. I sent an array of butterfly sweeps, strikes, and backhanded slashes. Suddenly Sir Walter kicked my sword out of my hand. I stepped back and took a knife out of my boot. I threw it and watched as it dug into Sir Walter’s upper arm. He gave a cry of agony as he pulled the knife out. I took another knife out of my other boot and threw it at Sir Walter’s hand that held his sword. He released the sword and stepped back in surprise.

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