Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

“Good morning, Arianna,” said Emily as she pulled back the curtains, letting the sunlight pour into the dark room.

“Good morning, Emily,” I replied.

“You have a big day ahead of you. I thought you would like a nice head start. Everyone is awake. I tried to let you sleep in as long as possible.”

“Thank you,” I yawned.

“Your breakfast is sitting on the table. Let me help you dress first.”

I changed from my nightgown into a green dress. I sat at my vanity and watched Emily brush my short hair. I take this time to study my best friend. I haven’t been able to spend much time with her. I notice Emily looks older.

“There is not much I can do with your hair since it’s so short. I think It looks good this way though,” said Emily as she ran her fingers through my hair.

“Are you alright?” I asked.

“Why of course. What made you ask?”

“You seem… different. Older. More mature. You’re only two years older than me. What’s wrong? You can tell me anything.”

“I just can’t believe you’re here. First you were forced to marry a man you did not love, then arrested for murder, escaped, and now you’re here. Safe and sound. I’ve worried about you so much the past few weeks than ever. I thank God you are okay.”

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6. God taught me many lessons through my trials. But this is the one I needed most. Trust in Him, Emily.”

“Thank you,” replied Emily. “Parliament will be meeting in two hours. They request that you be present, but I assume you were already planning to go.”

“Thank you for informing me,” I said.

Emily stayed with me as I ate my breakfast. When I was finished, she took my tray of empty dishes down to the kitchen. I tried to think about what to say to Parliament when I ask them to release Sir Peter. I am sure most will agree with me on the subject. What makes me more nervous is that they will decide if I become queen. I dearly hope they will accept me. I want to be able to reverse the damage done by my father, if it is possible.

Emily came to my room and announced that Parliament had arrived. I walked down the hallway to the room where they gathered. I stood next to Jasmine and Sir Peter who were waiting for me. Jasmine nodded at the guard. He opened the door and an announcer yelled our names. Parliament stood up in respect. Jasmine and I walked over to the thrones in the front of the room and sat. Sir Peter took a seat next to one of the members of Parliament.

“Be seated,” I said.

“As you know, we have asked you to come here for two reasons,” began Jasmine. “Great Lektra is in need of a ruler. We have discussed and argued about who should take that place since King Phillip died. In my late father’s will, he left the country to my sister, Princess Arianna. Since she was imprisoned, she was not able to claim the crown. Now that she has been freed, can she still become queen?”

“Your Highnesses,” began Duke Lawrence, my grandfather, “Princess Arianna still has her title. She loves her country, and its people. The people want her as queen. I feel that it would be treason to not allow her to take the crown.”

“She is a thief and a murderer! How could a person allow a criminal rule over them?” asked a man.

“She is not a murderer! She was falsely accused! And she stole because she loves her people! She did not keep the money for herself, she gave it away! Princess Arianna deserves the crown!” yelled another man.

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