Wild hearts

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Don't own the video and song. Lyrics by Tolkien. 

Still round the corner there may wait
A new road or a secret gate,
And though we pass them by today,
Tomorrow we may come this way
And take the hidden paths that run
Toward the Moon or to the Sun.

Apple, thorn, and nut and sloe,
Let them go! Let them go!
Sand and stone and pool and dell.
Fare you well! Fare you well!

Home is behind, the world ahead,
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.

Mist and twilight, cloud and shade,
Away shall fade! Away shall fade!

A red sun was rising over the trees of Mirkwood. It was a chilly morning and a gentle breeze was making Tauriel's red locks move across her pale face. She fastened her black velvet cloak around her body and placed the hood over her head. The kingdom was not yet fully awake. She passed a few guards and stepped further outside of the fortress, walking towards the thick trees, taking the way into Mirkwood. She only had a dagger with her but that was enough. She wanted to be alone, she wanted not to think about enemies for just one morning. 

The forest was just as she had seen it for the past 300 years. Desolated, cold, even frightening. The only parts of Mirkwood that were still keeping it bearable were the enchantments the elves had placed on trees and rivers that were driving away the eery feeling and the magical creatures that were still inhabiting it. Vague distant memories came back to her, memories of an old life, another life, when she was just an elfling wandering joyfully into Greenwood, a place so beautiful and filled with wonder. 

She walked gently onto the red and gold leaves, on the soil where poisonous mushrooms had grown, and near tree trunks where spider webs were still present, in spite of the elves always hunting the giant beasts. She passed by a spring and felt the elven magic protecting her with every step she took. She had been on that path hunting with Legolas and training in archery many times in the past, still, she never took him to the place she enjoyed most. It was a small clearing, surrounded by a few very old trees, guardians of the forest. In better times, the grass would have been green and vibrant with many wildflowers. Now, only dead leaves were scattered on the dark soil. 

Tauriel stood there still as a statue, feeling as if both she and the forest had been frozen in time. She felt an emptiness inside her heart matching the emptiness of the clearing. Time did not exist for elves, not in the way that it existed for dwarves or humans, but in that moment she wished time did not exist at all. She wished everything would stay the same before it could get tainted even further, before any more loss could occur. What was to come? What would become of the world she once loved so much?

Just as her thoughts were becoming more hopeless, her eyes spotted a few scattered white flowers that were still blooming here and there in Mirkwood. An enchanted type of flower that the elves had awakened in the forest with their magic and that filled Mirkwood centuries ago. Ullúme...The name meant 'forever'. She walked gently into the clearing, looking at the packs of small white flowers with the shape of ice crystals. She bowed and picked one with her hand.

A sudden presence made her turn around as she took her dagger out, ready to fight. Her eyes widened with surprise when she looked at Thranduil's tall figure, wearing an embroidered silver robe and looking as composed as always. His sword was hanging by his belt and no guards were with him. She knew he also liked having alone walks in Mirkwood but she never came across him before which meant he probably took paths less known to her. 

'Mind if I join you?'

His voice was cool and composed as usual but had a soft undertone.

'Of course not, my lord', Tauriel said quickly, still shocked by his sudden appearance. 'I was just having an early patrol.'

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