Of stars and shade

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This is my favourite tune from the soundtrack and it fits this chapter perfectly!

Thranduil decided to throw a small feast as an occasion to present the gems to the entire kingdom. It was as good an occasion as any to give a bit of merriment to his people after so many battles and to celebrate their recent victory in repelling the forces of Mordor. The wood elves of course were very pleased and the kingdom was buzzing again with more joy than in recent months. 

Though Legolas' fate and the Ring's fate were still weighing heavy on his heart,  he decided not to allow it to weaken his light. Thranduil kept on remembering Galadriel's words that Legolas had a destiny of his own and that it was out of his reach. He was waiting for news about Helm's Deep but no word had come yet. His trusted general, Callon, raised enchanted birds for centuries that they used as spies where no man, elf or beast could inform them. These birds were taught how to communicate with him and Thranduil through elven magic. Callon had sent some of these birds to give him news of Haldir's host. Celeborn was also waiting news from his spies. It was just a matter of time before they got back.

Thranduil could hear music already in the distance. Galion had placed before him a few different attires, with different silk, gems or leather accessories. They were of different colours, all luxurious and regal. A sudden presence came from the door and he saw Tauriel stepping in, wearing a flowing white dress. It was simple yet it looked beautiful on her. She had small white flowers in her hair and looked radiant.

'I can see you are ready.', he said with a smile in the corner of his mouth.

'And you are not.', she answered. 'You are always late for celebrations!'

'The King is never late, Tauriel.', he turned his head, looking at her with a playful spark behind his eyes.

She smirked at him and came closer, her eyes falling on the beautiful clothes exposed in front of Thranduil. He took in his hand one of the embroidered silk belts and looked upon a tunic that would match it. Tauriel raised her eyebrows.

'So, what will my lord wear?', she teased him. 

'It is a hard choice', he replied playing along. 'Perhaps you could help me.'

Tauriel looked at the beautiful clothes and materials for a few moments and then, surprisingly, she placed her hand upon one of them. Thranduil looked at her and she smiled while touching the luxurious thick fabric with her fingers. It was a slender silver tunic with fine embroidery and a sharp cut.

'I've always liked you dressed in silver.', she said. 'I think it suits you.'

It was a good choice as the robe looked indeed regal on him, as she remembered seeing him wear it, perhaps making him even a bit more distant, ethereal and intimidating than usual. Thranduil came next to her, also touching the material.

'Would you help me put it on?'

Tauriel smiled. He was already wearing his fine, leather trousers and elegant boots. Thranduil allowed his silk robe to fall away from his shoulders, revealing his half-naked body. She scanned him for a few moments only to turn her eyes away and make herself busy picking up the robe. Thranduil enjoyed watching her trying to keep her self-composure. He was already feeling a familiar buzzing in his body just by her mere presence.

He placed the tunic on him and she tightened it around with its tiny buttons, then placed the familiar broch at the base of his neck. Tauriel helped him place the matching velvety silver-blue robe over it. It was thick, flowing and had a long train.

'That's enough.', he said with his smooth voice. 'You have done well.'

'Not quite enough.', she replied while scanning him. 'There's something else.'

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