The White City

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Found the perfect picture of Thranduil on a white stallion and it belongs to

I wanted this chapter to be written more from Tauriel's perspective as she had never travelled through Middle-Earth before (except for Dale and Erebor) and it's all new to her so I wrote it as if seen by her eyes. But don't worry, it will have enough of Thranduil in it too. This is one of my personal favourite chapters from this story.

Years passed in the ever-blooming Greenwood while rumours of Sauron's old allies diminished and they were truly never seen again around the forest or Thranduil's lands. The kingdoms who were sometimes battling tribes of Easterlings hostile to the free people were Gondor and Rohan yet even they were mostly enjoying peaceful times and were flourishing. Ithilien was also safe, as protected by the forces of both Gondor and the elves. Legolas and Faramir, the two rulers of Ithilien, were also helping King Elessar in battle and purging any enemies that remained. Thranduil had a feeling Legolas enjoyed these missions as he was fighting alongside his friends once again and it was in his nature to help others when needed. 

As the elves of Greenwood were enjoying the Fourth Age in prosperity and peace, Thranduil started to feel an unsettled feeling in his chest, as if something was nudging him to move, to act. He did not know if that meant that he was feeling the time of the elves was slowly passing yet how could that be? When there were still elven colonies in Middle-Earth, when his kingdom felt more prosperous than ever, his new elven establishments extended to the North, when his son did not sail yet and was also enjoying his days left in Middle-Earth. Then what could it be, Thranduil wondered. And then, he realised. It was time for him to travel, perhaps one last time, and see the wonders of Middle-Earth before it was too late. For the first time in perhaps two millennia, he felt he wanted to leave Greenwood, for a while.

So he left Gilros, Hador and Callon in charge in his absence as well as Aldon under their command, as the realm did not need as many captains now compared to the times of war, while Maldir, Feren, as well as his general Celledrim followed him in his journey. He only took a small delegation, those that he needed for the journey and also those who wanted to follow him because they were eager to explore the world outside of their borders. A group of elleths from the royal halls, including old loyal subjects such as Aethin and Miriel, also followed him, both because they were needed and also because they wanted to join the delegation. These were elleths that were warriors, maids, cooks, healers or in charge of crafts and supplies for the journey. Those along with his soldiers, scouts and other needed elves formed in total a group of about 20 people. Thranduil did not want more to follow him. He did not need more. 

A couple of weeks after Thranduil had decided to leave Greenwood, for what could have been a few months, and travel with Tauriel, the elves had started packing and making preparations. Tauriel was excited for the road, he could see it in her eyes. He also was excited. He did not know if he would have been as excited to travel were it not for Tauriel by his side. She had given him a new life and a new breath of life within him. 

They left their well-known fortress on a beautiful spring day and rode outside of Greenwood. Thranduil left his elk mount behind - he belonged to the forest and he could not have taken him on such a long journey into foreign lands and other kingdoms. For now, their first stop would be Ithilien to see his son and from there they would travel further into Minas Tirith.

When they left Ithilien, on the 5th day, the sun was shining bright as they mounted their horses to head into the heart of Gondor. Tauriel's heart was beating faster now with excitement. She had never seen the White City but had heard stories of its beauty and knew its history, mainly from what Thranduil had told her...

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