Two Crowns

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Video is not mine, of course, it just fits in well with this chapter. As a note, I don't see it as a ship video, but rather a tribute to Bard and Thranduil's friendship and I love it. And yeah the bromance is real, I think these two really understand each other even though one is a human and the other is an elf. 

A cold day followed and Thranduil finally received a short message from Bard confirming that Dain also warned him about the attack from the East and that his troops were ready for battle. He looked upon the small window opening. Fragile snow was covering the vegetation of the forest. The scenery looked so similar to the winter when he had last been into Dale.

Later in the throne room, he gathered his now 3 captains and his army generals.

'We now have confirmation that Dale and Erebor might indeed expect an attack from Mordor any day now. If they fall, the Woodland Realm will be next. Therefore, prepare to march into Dale this afternoon', he ordered. 'Maldir, Feren - you will take your units and accompany me. Aldon, you are in charge of defending these halls in my absence.'

Aldon nodded but he didn't seem pleased that he was being left behind. Thranduil turned towards his generals.

'Hador and Celledrim, you two will be in charge of the safety of this realm and of this kingdom while the rest of our troops are away. I put my trust that you will guard this realm with diligence. Keep a close eye on the Eastern and Southern borders.'

The two Sindar generals bowed their heads and placed their hands over their chests in respect as well as a sign of obedience to the King's command.

'Gilros and Callon, you will accompany me into Dale with your troops. Go now and make any final preparations for the journey.'

'Yes, my lord', Gilros replied and he and Callon left the room in a hurry. 

'Aldon', Thranduil added, 'see that my elk is ready for travel.'

Aldon muttered 'my lord', bowing his head and leaving the room, followed by the other captains.

When the afternoon came, his generals and thousands of elven warriors were waiting for him outside the stone walls of the palace. Thranduil mounted his young elk, all covered in his splendid silver armour with a blue-grey velvet cape. He led the troops and his commanders through Mirkwood and they marched for many hours under the thick trees. When they finally exited the forest, they took the path into Dale. They could see the Lonely Mountain in the distance. When they finally reached Dale, the evening shadows had already spread everywhere. The city was lit with torches and lamps as the elves were greeted warmly by Bard's generals. As they advanced further into the city, King Bard came before them with a small delegation and a wide smile as if he had expected them to come. 

'My lord Thranduil!', Bard said, approaching Thranduil's elk and wearing a golden crown over his black hair. 'We are happy beyond measure to see you here.'

'We have come to aid our allies', Thranduil said as he unmounted his elk graciously, in spite of his heavy armour. 'We will camp here to be ready for battle.'

'You are most welcome to do so.', Bard said with a smile. 'Percy', he shouted towards one of his loyal men, 'help our allies settle in.'

Bard's captain and his men went to help the elves unpack their provisions and set up their tents.

Thranduil and Bard approached each other and Bard unapologetically opened his arms and hugged him. The hug between the two kings was short but warm and friendly. They had gone through enough together and had come to trust and understand each other. It was strange - Thranduil would have never been that physically intimate in greeting someone his own kin, even if a friend, yet he did not feel uncomfortable to be close to Bard. He could drink with him, talk openly, laugh and feel at ease. He felt Bard's company was a soothing balm at that moment over the wound that Tauriel had caused him. The two kings walked shoulder to shoulder inside Bard's halls. 

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