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'Unstoppable legendary animal'...yeah that kinda fits Thranduil! There is a really badass Thranduil clip on this song:

Also, there will be a bit of erotic content in the first half of this chapter, just so you know.

That night, they disposed of each other's fighting clothes and made love as if there was no tomorrow. In truth, who knew if there was? Tauriel cared not anymore to sneak out at first light. She stayed in his arms until late, when the warm sunshine brushed their faces just like a bright new beginning. Then they soaked in his bathing pool, dressed each other in clean clothes and Thranduil ordered Galion to serve them food. They deserved a well-earned morning of peace together after surviving the vicious attack on their realm and defeating the enemy's forces. 

The following day, many, if not all eyes in the kingdom, were upon Tauriel whenever she went. It was clear that what happened between her and the King at the end of the battle had been seen by nearly the entire kingdom and those who had not seen it, heard about it. A few of her comrades asked her directly if she was engaged to the King and she watched their surprised eyes when she told them that she and the King were already in union with each other. Some of her old fighting comrades simply came to congratulate her as if they had always known it would happen. However, most wood elves did not come to her directly but simply gossiped with each other on different theories about how it happened, why it happened and when it actually happened. She heard Legolas' name being whispered twice and those were the only times their gossip truly bothered her. 

It was strange to see in some who had shunned her from their circles after her treason and had called her 'dwarf lover' a new kind of gaze upon her, betraying both fear and respect. In other gazes, she could see curiosity, admiration and slight jealousy even, especially from a few lowly Silvans like herself who probably did not deem her worthy enough of the King's love. 

Luckily Thranduil did not have to go through all of that. Nobody dared whisper something in his presence or ask him any question regarding his relationship with Tauriel unless he wanted to share something himself...and he did not. He could see a strange look in the eyes of his generals, his captains and servants as they came to report or take orders from him - not a look of disapproval, but more a knowing in their eyes that they did not express out of tact and respect. He and Tauriel kissed in front of the entire kingdom.  Everyone knew how things were between them now. Everything was out in the open now between him and her. The entire kingdom looked to her as his partner. Thranduil felt relieved that he could finally show where his heart belonged and what his feelings were for Tauriel. 

Later that day, one of Callon's bird spies came with news that Men had triumphed over Sauron's host of orcs and Easterlings at Minas Tirith. It was a victory just as important as his. However, the war was not over yet. No royal feast was to be held yet though this did not stop wood elves from relaxing more than before and indulging in some feasting of their own, with wine and music in the evenings. Thranduil allowed them to do so. The realm was not in a state of emergency anymore. The enemy had suffered yet more defeats. His realm and the forest were safe for now. 

Tauriel went into the forest with her company and with his other captains and their companies to inspect the state of the forest and heal whatever they could heal from the damage of the battle and the fire. Thranduil wondered when the war would truly be over so that Galadriel could fulfil her promise and use her Ring to heal Mirkwood once and for all. It was breaking his heart to see the forest saved from one fire only to be thrown into another one days or months later. He could not bear it anymore but he had to endure.

As the sky was getting darker and the first evening star started to shine, Thranduil heard the door to his chamber open and felt Tauriel's presence. He was with his back turned, gazing towards the forest and watching the clouds in many colours that were now blending on the same evening sky. He felt Tauriel getting closer and her arms wrapped around him in a soothing embrace. His arm caressed its way up her back and she leaned her head on his chest. They sat in silence for a few moments, hearing each other's gentle breaths. Tauriel did not speak. Thranduil appreciated that she learned when he needed his quiet moments and she learned to respect them and even felt at times that she could read his thoughts. He felt her face rise and felt her breath on his neck. Her lips kissed his skin gently and he felt pleasurable tingling sensations in his body. She was planting kisses on his neck while her hand was now travelling to the opening of his tunic, slipping under the fabric and caressing his chest with desire. 

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