A Spiritual Grudge?

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King's Viewpoint

"Have any of you seen Mila" "We can't find Young Master either" "You know what..." "Really they're wait why are you whispering?" We looked at Chaunwan. "They're asleep just send me where we're all just concerned about them will do" We headed there and awed. They looked so precious sleeping. Amila's phone ranged but she remained alseep but Hua Leing woken up grabbed it and answered. "Hello please calm down I only answered her phone because she was asleep and she needed the rest I can pass a message to her when she wakes up or you can just sent it via text I see well thank you for telling me your name I'll be sure to tell her that you've called and that it's of an important matter you as well have a good day" He hanged up placed next to his phone. "Um?" "Hello my flower" Amila only smiled and closed her eyes back. Hua Leing touched at her hand and closed his eyes. He then opens his eyes and smiles at her. "Take things easy especially this is the place you call your homebound" "I will just being leader of a clan has its moments but it's mainly my duty being a world traveler" "If you need to get more rest I can arrange to have you be dropped off home" "I'll be okay though these naps will help with the rest of my school hours"

Hua Leing Long's Viewpoint

It was now Wednesday I was shocked to be the first one into the class but maybe I'm not the first of the ultimate class to be on school grounds. I decied to keep my bag by my side and walked around the school. As I walked through the garden I paused as I seen someone. "You guys may have seen Taung and I pray to that statue in the courtyard the one with the female with wings The Scarlet Rose Tiger was humane and Tatung and I were the first ever to see their human form so we asked the previous principal if it was alright if we have a statue built" Amila and Tatung bowed to the statue then Tatung stood up he said something to Amila she only gave him the thumbs up. He lightly ruffled at her hair them walked away.

I decided to walked towards her as she  remained inactive seated postion. I extended my hand out to her she looked at me. "Do you need help up?" She touched at my hand and I pulled her gently up. She then pulled out her phone then typed my phone sounded I looked at it. "I see  are you sure it's not a spell?" My phone dinged I glanced at it. "I see and since we both know King she isn't that kind of person she cares a lot about you" She nodded then typed I looked at the message. "Of course I can be your voice for now and you don't owe me my love knowing that I can help is one of things I can do as your boyfriend"

The school bell ranged I held her hand gently "It will be alright" She laid her head on my shoulder as we walked. "Mila-Senpai!" She turned around Hikaru smiled handed her an envelope. Amila looked at her shocked and shaked her head. "Our clan won first place in the art gallery competition we all spilted it amongst ourselves already this is all yours bye Amila-Senpai!"

She looked at me and blushed "I can help you during free period to cash into your account would you like me to keep it in my bag" She kissed my cheek and handed it to me. She then walked. I placed the envelope into my bag and walked after her. Gym class I looked around for her she stood there and shaked. I walked towards her with a notebook labeled Love's Speech Book. Everyone looked at me but then Amila had showed me after what the message was. "As I said I can be your voice it will be okay" "Leing what happened?"

"Amila lost her voice before she left home this morning her mom made her a voice recovery tea so for now I'm her voice whenever she can't use her phone or notebook" "How do you know what she's saying then?" Mind bond of love. "In her exact words mind bond of love" "That means you guys are indeed meant to be" "We wish you guys luck" "How come you didn't do that when it was Lei Ting and I" "Because you're more older you really didn't need the luck"

Chinese class came around she once again shaked. [I feel something unsettling is happening at the school it causing me to react in fear] I held her hands she blushed. "It will be okay your clan is around they'll most likely handle it" [It's of spirit enegry though and I can sense that they are here to cause trouble I'm the only one in my clan that can handle spiritual life] "Hua Leing what is wrong with Amila" [Tell her or don't] I held her hand led her towards the school entrance. I placed out my mirror and flared up my fighting index.

She pointed I aimed in the direction and placed her hand around the handle of my mirror. The spirt was then trapped in glass box that seemed unbreakable. The rest of the ultimate class was seen Tatung looked. "Is it controlled by someone else?" [They're wandering on their own free will but their aura is hostile meaning they aimed to harm people] "Mila says this spirit is acting on it's own free will their aura is hostile they were aiming to harm people" "Oh?" "Does it have a grudge against anyone at Bae Le High?" [I won't know unless I draw the circle of identify around them] "She doesn't know until she draws the cricle of identify around the spirit"

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