Part of The Day In Your Shoes

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I woke up knowing something was off this wasn't where I usually sleep at. I looked around that was when I saw a framed photo of Amila and Tatung. So Amila's and I switched bodies somehow this was quite the interesting situation we have upon us. Her phone rang I answered it. "Hello" "Quang" "Oh that what a relief you and I switched places," I say sighing "It appears that way," Amila says "This is probably going to be so wried okay listen to me I want you to noogie Tatung during breakfast time call him a spikey lizard and if my parents say anything just try to not go out of the box with the answers" "Alright" Tatung and I walked to the school he looked at me. "I wonder who my sister switched places with" "You knew?" I say in shock "Yeah something was off so who are you?" Tatung asks "Leing," I say "So the two most beautiful people at our school switched bodies" "Yeah" "Have you called Amila" "I did she gave pointers on how to handle this morning" "I see and what about her?" "I don't know, but if she's already at the school, I should get there and try to help," I said hi to everyone, which felt wried, but I know Amila but again still. We walked into the ultimate class and to see myself actually sitting there looking in the mirror. "Mila stop please" "Haha Tatung knows" "He did right when he saw me" "What could've happened"

"I know it's you two what happened?" "We switched places" "Oh gosh so Mila is currently in Leing's body and vice versa" "Yes" "This all seems weird did you guys somewhere or maybe one of you drank something that might've caused this" "Quang and I parted ways at my house" "Oooo" "Hush I was worried that something would happen if Amila walked around alone I mean I'm aware of her being ko one but with her being a girl I can't help be concerned for her safety" "Awwww" "I'm just watching out for her in any way I can," I say "Which is why I kissed you multiple times on your face before I said goodbye," Amila says "So you two didn't go anywhere before that" "Nope" "Not even to a vendor place" "Nope" "This is so wried then" "What are you two going to do?" "I can either see if Instine Guy may have an answer for us or try looking through the book of reversal effects" "There's a book like that" "Only 10 copies were made and I've got one of them" "Is it in your bag?" "I don't ever take it out of there" The bell ranged we all sighed "This is going to be wried" Amira and I say We looked at each other and laughed.

"Alright, you two what happened?" "What do you mean Ms.Tian" "I can see something off" "It's nothing major we're not ourselves" "What are you..." "Nono, I mean" "Mila's in my body while I'm in her's" "Oh gosh you switched bodies" "Yeah but we do have a way to fix it but until we get a free period or lunch we're stuck like this" Should I? I did oh gosh this is so awkward I know Amila's blushing too. "Awww they're so cute" Oh gosh I'm even more impressed after a while and I was awkwardly romantically being around each other. "I think a free period might work" After many classes one of them being Japanese where we just had to read poems which was a relief it was a free period. Oh gosh seeing myself walks towards me. "Leing" "The book yeah what does it lo.." She grabbed my hands and looked at me. "If this doesn't work then let's just maybe ask one of my superiors for help" "From this world?" "No my world" "I see" Everyone looked around curious The Ultimate Class stood by and looked as well. I only followed Amila's instructions the circle then glowed. Amila and I both walked into it we both aligned our hands. "The words" "Yerioth Masermal" "In any language" "Yeah but we probably just do it in Chinese," We said the phrase in Chinese and we opened our eyes I was staring right at Amila. "Quang it worked!" Amila hugged me tightly Everyone cheered and also sighed "I wonder what caused it in the first place"

"Either way the book helped" "Indeed it did" "Can we talk through just us" "Sure" We only laughed as we talked about the things that happened while we were in each other's shoes. "I'm glad today went well" "Yeah it's a relief," She says "I'm still curious about everything" "I'm too but I'm relieved I switched bodies with you" "Same here the beauties switched places" She giggled I only smiled

"I know she's the one I wanna marry" "Why are you telling me this though" "You may not be her father but I can tell you see Amila as your daughter" "That is true but you have my blessings wow that sounds so wried to say" "Thank you Nehio" "It will work out she always talks about and brags about what you and she have" "Really now?" "Trust me I can tell that what you guys have is something that will last forever"

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