Just The Normal

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We walked guys knocked out at our school grounds entrance. "Definitely Mila" Wang Chaun says "Those are her knockout needles"  "Taung did Amila get home?" King ask "She got home safely by Hei Leing" "And then you guys almost gave me food" "Almost?" King ask "Mila came down lectured all three of us and proceded to chase me with my own pan"

"What your sister can wheild your weapon?" "It was created by our Dad" "I see so it's a family thing" "Yep" "But don't you always have it with you" "Mila's got an ability where she can summon any weapon to her hand" "What?!" "Wang Tatung!" King pincheshis ears "When were you going to tell us this?!" "Are you telling me that she can easily do it?" I say "Yep as along as she knows the weapon's full name she can have it apppear right into her hands" "That explains a lot" We looked  at Wang Chuang "Um?" "Some of my marbles vanshied from their spots in the marble case but when I woke up they were all there I didn't fully question because I though it was like someone in my family that once died and used them" "Whoaaa" "Speaking of the shining beauty" Yu Zi says  She was underneath at tree with an umbrella that blocked the sun.

"Mila-Senpai there you are!" "Kikyo what's with the books?" "Haely is giving away various manga series to her loved ones so she saved Dragon Ball and Sperith of The Skyward for you she's around the school going to everyone I just happened to have the ones she marked as yours" "Tell her I said thank you" "Will do now I gotta find Yeilea and Juyniol" "See you around free period for dugen card archive battles" "Will do!" Amila smiled and squealed she held the bag of manga. "She's so smol" "But lethal" "True" The bell sounded I walked towards her and helped her carry her manga.

Amila's View

"Hello Sir Synris and Lady Amila!" So Amila and I are loved equally by everyone in our school even by those who are mortal. "Aren't we the second couple well known?" "Yes because your brother and king third is tie between two couples" "Yu Zi and Yen Yen Qiu Qiu and Zhan" "Yep" "Hua Leing are you Mila's eyes for today" "I'm" "Can you read page 68" "Of course" I stood up and preceded to recite it.

It was free period for everyone Amila smiled at door. Kikyo stood there with card decks in his hands one had a ribbon of sliver and blue. We all gathered around as we watched Amila and him battle. Amila wining everytime Kikyo had only two wins while Amila had five. I didn't really understand the card game but seeing that it made people actually have fun with those they knew was enough for me especially since it was yet another time I was able to see how other students at Bae Le were around Amila.

"Kikyo did you get your arse kicked let's go Yeilea said she wanted us to be her test subjects for her new weapon" "No please anything but being a practice dummy" He says "She used the friendship help card on us this time so we can't get out of it" "Beyhi nlofh refuith" He hugged Amila tightly "Thank you for blessing me with luck Mila" "Kikyo!" "Yah how dare you guys rush me it's Mila" "Why didn't you tell us dude" "You guys didn't ask" "Still" Amila held the now packed cards  then laughed. "Hey how come you didn't get hit by water balloons" "How should I know?" Amila only giggled and placed the card deck into the bag with the manga. "Oooh 1 all the way to 12 that only means 15 and 18 are the current ones I have to buy from the book store"

Another class time Mila gasped. "Henju" "Vilean?!" Amila stood up and noggied him hard "How dare you go on a hiatus after a battle without telling anyone I maybe your bestie in the underworld but I'm your superior officer when it's most likely lunch or another free time you will have to give me valid explanation"

"Oh gosh I see why but you could've given me updates at list but why Ba Le High" "Diablo told my parents about someone I knew is at Ba Le so having at least a friend was nice so with Diablo's help they arranged it but you know with criminal records from America jail I'm here in the ultimate class"

"I see that sucks but what you did in America wasn't on you that snotty British rich kid used his connections to get a get out of jail free card while you didn't that bullshit I hate people like that it makes me relived I didn't get station in London otherwise I would've found the kid and burned his prized possessions" "This is why you're loved in the underworld So it's still official that you're heir of Hell" "Yep I'm still ranked second Diablo being first but yeah you see why well welcome to Ba Le High but also welcome to the ultimate class what classes do you have with us though"

"Chinese, English, and Japanese" "Ooooooo there's like 15 of us me being one of the 15" "Nice I didn't think Diablo had a heart" "It shocked me too this means you and I won't be replaced if make a mistake" "You right" They both laughed "So you even lead an army in the underworld?" Amila laughs "Yes in a way" "Since Mila is the heir she  has commanding powers over all soldiers and warriors in the underworld but since she's a Supeior officer she does have a group of people that follow her laws and guidelines"

"I can see that happening" "Us tooo" "I heard your clan is here too does that have something do with Superior Chiu-Wu?" "Nope the girls each had their own reason Hikaru's is because of her parents and my parents wanting to keep us together especially nothing but good came from middle school and those 4 months we're in Vigo High when we set fire to the science department"

"You do one tiny chemical measurement wrong and you're named hazardous to the school" "Karu come on over" "Sure i... Henju!!" "Wait you guys are dating" "I haven't told my parents yet but his parents are supportive of us" "My lips are sealed but eeee I'm so happy that means the three of can hit up Beverly Hills and toilet paper people's houses" "Paint balloons?" "Washable paint" "Bet I know a Home Deopt that I haven't gotten kicked out of" "What?" "Oh boi do I have story for you guys" Amila says laughing

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