This Warmth

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I got invited to either a tea party or I got invited into another Chin Pao San's trick. I walked into the said place who was I even looking around for. A familiar face brought a smile to my face Amila sat there she looked beautiful. She touched at her heart and looked up smiled happily And that was when I realized it was Amila that I was meeting with. I kissed her hand gently then sat next to her. "I ship it" "Who knows they could be engaged" "Their kids are going to look so cute" "Who knows they might be married and their kids are watched by their family"

"It always happens when I sense Amila all my worries my fears my unhappy thoughts they all vanish hearing any good news about her or even seeing her just bring joy to my heart" "This warmth I feel for him it always everyday he's even running through my mind" "Is My Flower, My Quang the reason I can always feel warmth each day?" I turned Amila sat there she blushed and started back at me."Quang" "Hello My Flower" I stood up and sat next to her. She rested her on my shoulder and I held her hand.

"First the tea date now ranting to the waters together about each other" "It only means now that we're meant to not leave each other" "So does that mean you're going to be in Japanese class?" "I will stand outside against the right side if I do the left side you'll be distracted" "Yeah but even if you do that I'll know that you're there even if you stand against the left side or the right side" The end of the day only to lay right into someone's lap. "Hello Sir Hua Leing" "He must've had a busy day" "Yeah but so did Amila-Senpai she fell right asleep on Fawn's shoulder" "We should get them home" "Agreed"

The next day arrived I walked into the classroom. Tatung knocked out in his chair Chaun talked to Yu. King sat in her chair but talked to Qiu Qiu and Yen. "She's here?" "Mila yeah she dropped her bag and dashed somewhere" "Wang Tatung how dare you fake sleep?" "Mila told me there was a folder she had to get to her clan at that time wang Chaun and I were the only two in the room" "So you just woke up at the right time then" "Yep"

Now we're worried Ms.Tian was already going over a lesson. "Oh hello" "May we know where our Lady's belongings are?" "Are you two referring to my sister if so there is her stuff right there" "Thank you" "What can you two tell me?" Ms.Tian ask then

"Our Lady collapsed she's being seen by the spiritual medical unit" "What?" "From what we know Our Lady was attacked this morning with an enegry drainer protecting younger kids from being harmed on route to the park someone staged it we're told by Supeior Chiu-Wu to retrieve her stuff we don't know what exactly has happened but we do know that she won't be returning today"

"You guys are welcome to vist her?" "Are they able to?" "Yeah it's the magi section in the hospital give it to Sir Hua Leing" They handed me lanyard just one but on it was symbol that looked like Amila's bracelet. "As long as someone in your party wears it you'll be able to see her"

After all our classes were over we headed to the hospital. Henju paced back and forth in front of a door wearing the exact same lanyard as the one that was around my neck. "She'll be glad to see you guys I tired what I can she's now worried about everyone she cares about she believed that you guys might be in harm's way because of what happened this morning so please assure her that isn't the case and that she just rest easy in the hospital until she gets the okay from the doctors"

I didn't wanna leave but 8 misssed call from my sister. She called me I answered. "What happened?" "Mila got attacked while adiding kids to crossing the street the spiritual doctors say she might be here for a while" "And the culprit?" "Still at large " "Did you lie and tell them you were Amila's husband?" "I didn't they seen my uniform so they know I'm only her boyfriend" "Dammit" "However I can be around since it's still visiting hours before the visiting hours end I will just have Tatung aid me in placing protection seals around Amila's room" "Be careful" "I will"

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