Meeting Diablo

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I sighed and touched at her hand. "This is my fault" I looked up shocked gluped down my nervousness. Diablo stood there with light blue hair in front of his red eyes.

"Hello to you Sir" "So you're the king of hell soon" "I don't think I quite understand" "It's clear Amila's and your's bond is one that is forever going to go on which means once I give her the throne of hell on Saturday at the Univill Party that would make you king of hell, Hua Leing Long it's obvious that you and Amila will officially rule the world in time I mean" "You came here to tell me that?"

"There's a reason I haven't rocked havoc in this world is because there's people here that I cherish and hold dear to my heart Vileaner is one of them even though she's got parents I always seen her as my daughter to know that she has you, her brother, her third bestfriend and the ultimate class giving her nothing but joy brings a smile to a face and I can see that Vileaner is happy so knowing that I can find ways to protect what makes her smile is all that I can do I shall see on Saturday Hua Leing but for now I will do my part in portetcing not only Vileaner but everyone else she cherishes in this world" He ruffled my hair and smiled "I can't wait to see Amila and you shine at the top of the world" Then he walked away with a genuine smile that was before he had got a phone call in which he angrily yelled at someone

"Leing?" "Hua you okay?" "He might need his rest" Tatung says "The three of us didn't get back home until 3 am" "Chaun" "I was with Yu Zi" "So Mila was the third" "Yeah we all went to the places owned by both of our parents time really did get the better of us we only got home because Heyrio Mila's and I cousin got us home" "And where is.." "Where is he?" "Who.." "Mila what happened" "I remembered I accidentally smacked Quang with a hammer when we're in a building pieces class so I'm concerned about the bruise it left" "You just woke up?" "Yeah" "Doesn't look like you did" "I did Mom and Dad were shocked so they urged I should get home"

I'll have to tell when it's us alone maybe during lunch. The time arrived I decided to say it. "Whoa really how did you feel when you met him?" "Very powerful I can the fell the evil but there is so much light energy on him" "Guess Diablo wasn't always so hardcore"

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