The Evil Within The School Part 2

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"Just get married already!" Tatung says I know that was directed at me the power bond ring was blue a light shade which meant Amila was feeling uneasy about something. "That's not a good sign" "What isn't?" "The color that my ring has" "Oh" "Unnie!" "Amila-Senpai" "I'm fine" "No you're not Unnie go home" "I can't" She tired and she failed our teacher only looked at us. "Someone get her home or to a hospital please even I can tell that she's not well" "I'll be fine" "Mila" "Hey Big Bro" "This might have something to do with opening the box" "Oh that yeah that is true I did feel sick when I got back home" "You're sick now as well" "I'll be fine it's not contagious it's only my own power that has affected me" Lunchtime came around everyone couldn't leave Amila's side. "Eh Wang Shuang Long" "With a mug" "He's going towards the ultimate class" "Should we be concerned" "Juil" "Hey Axel" "This for you from High Superior Nehio news got around to him about you homing The Tonyui Box" "Yeah I did other things too but tell him thank you but you came all this way just to deliver this" "I was in the underworld already and also since it was you it wasn't a problem" "What if it was Henji" "I would do the same thing" "You really do have a heart" "I always did just didn't have anyone to be nice to" "Is that why you warned Hei Long not mess with us" "Yes but also Henju always is reminding me that Zh Ge has to be protected I should've asked Henju but he has his reason but it's rare" "I know right he's always worrying about the both of us but now Zh Ge" "He worries about you and I Juila because we always caused trouble" "Hey that middle science class incident was not troublesome you and I just mixed too much of one chemical than the other that isn't trouble it's called an accident" They both laughed "Memories" "Remember when we made Rodie's dog pink" Amila laughs so hard everyone around only smiles "Well I'll see Henji and you later" "Promise" "You will" He says "Get better our Boss Lady" 'Yah!" He laughs and walks away "I can't help but be worried about him," Amila says softly "I see him every day now but I can't help it" "Well you did say he had was suffered from blood loss illness" "Yeah but the surgery was 3 years ago" "Then you are just not over it and is concerned that the illness might resurface" "I can always arrange people from my family to watch over him" "No need" "Henji" "Hey" He sits down. "What happened?"

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