Love At First Sight

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A day later, Marinette was on a walk, still thinking about the one worthy of the cat miraculous. It wasn't easy to find the right person all day but what Tikki told her yesterday, maybe the mysterious model boy may be worthy of it but she needs to under his personality in person.

"What If I'm wrong to pick him?" Marinette asked Tikki.

"Isn't that obnoxious brat Chloe once said that Adrien likes cats? Maybe he would like to be a cat" Tikki said while peaking from the purse bag.

"Interesting. But I'll hand over the ring to him as Ladybug so he won't suspect it's me." Marinette said.

"Good choice, Marinette. If you know his identity, he won't know yours. Just don't get tranced by his gorgeous eyes" Tikki suggested. Just then, her phone vibrated and she took it out to see what's wrong. She looked to see the news that there's a theft at the Lourve again.

"Again? It seems they like what's valuable at the museum." She went into the alley and said the transformation words to transform into Ladybug.

"Tikki! Spots on!" She transformed in a pink flash into Ladybug. She yo-yos like a grappling hook and swung from the roof to the next. Running on the rooftop and then to the next one.

"Let's see who's wanting something valuable this time?" Ladybug said while running.

She found the Lourve and ran to the door entrance, going downstairs and went to find the thief.

"Now where could he or she be at?" Ladybug looks around.

"She's right behind you!" A female thief kicked her from behind, sending Ladybug against the wall, hard.

"Agh!" Ladybug grunted from the impact and slowly looks up to see who it is, "Volpina? Seriously?! This is the third time this week and you just don't go back to the wolf, huh?"

"The fox never stops being sly, Ladybug." The fox-themed villain laughed.

"Just wait and see!" Volpina took out her flute, played it to create several illusions of herself.

"Again?! You really should take real music lessons than creating fake copies of you, fox!" Ladybug swung her yo-yo to hit the illusions, causing them to disappear.

"Watch this!" Volpina creates an orange orb to use against Ladybug.

But Ladybug deflects it with her yoyo like a shield and then jumps at Volpina, "Give me that flute!" Ladybug tries to snatch the flute from her but the fox thief moved around too much which is making the bug hero difficult to get the fox to stay still.

"Nuh-uh!" Volpina then spins the flute like a staff.

"Oh yes!" Ladybug threw her yoyo to tie her up.

"HEY! NOT FAIR!!!" Volpina dropped her flute.

"Looks like animal nature has changed!" Ladybug laughed and went to grab the flute, snapping it in half with her upper leg.

"Damn you Ladybug!" Volpina screamed.

"Now run along, fox!" Ladybug released her which made the fox land hard on the floor.


Adrien was still trained by his best pal while Chloe is simply doing nothing but reading a fashion magazine like a brat.

"Being human is so exhausting. How do you guys live like this?" The teenage dhampir groaned in exhaustion and took a sip of tomato juice, his favorite.

"Life is not always easy, Adrien. Just like a baby learning to walk" Nino said.

"I suppose being half-vampire is easier for my life than being half-human. But I hate being hidden all the time. I need freedom, Nino." Adrien said, finishing up his tomato juice drink.

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