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That afternoon, Adrien's father captured another vampire sneaking in with a cloak to hide from sunlight. Ow Adrien has to learn how to fight a vampire in case if they try a way to capture him at night.

In the training room where the vampire is kept with the dhampir teen who is not afraid nor shows hesitation. Adrien removed his white sleeveless jacket and tossed it aside, ready to fight like a vampire instead of a man this time.

"Young blood! You're a dhampir!" The vampire said with a maniac tone.

"Yeah, I am. And I'm starving!" Adrien hissed with his mouth open to reveal his fangs.

"Your blood will surely make me immune to daylight!" The vampire tried to grab him but the dhampir teen grabbed his fist and flipped him over, locking the vampire's head with his legs and pinning his arm. But that was a wrong move when the vampire bit Adrien's leg through his jeans.

"Agh!" He screamed and punched the vampire's face to get him off and rolled to the side, kip himself back, and then circled.

Soon they threw punches at each other even when they walked on the wall. Adrien soon punched him off and followed with a cartwheel kick to the face. The vampire then punched him to the floor but was countered with Adrien kicking him with both feet to the wall. Adrien leaped up and grabbed the vampire by the throat after deflecting another punch.

"My blood is not for sale, moron. Don't even try" Adrien glared that his opponent is trying to get his teeth close to his neck.

"We'll see!" The vampire struggled.

"You'll see yourself a new home in Hell!" Adrien pushed him down from the wall and pinned his opponent on the floor, punched him in the gut to immobilize him, and picked him up, pinning him roughly against the wall.

"That was for biting my leg!" Adrien sank his fangs in the vampire's neck, making him tilt his neck so he does try to bite his neck this close. The bite on his leg healed due to drinking blood and left no scars. Once finished, Adrien stood up victorious.

He let out a belch due to how much blood he drank and killed the vampire, "Burn it, father" He said and left the training room and heads outside to get some fresh air.

He quickly heads into the alley to get away from the paparazzi and morphed into a cat to blend in so no one can recognize him. Even if there are cat lovers, he has to pretend he's a wild street cat.

"First time as a wild kitty in the city, vampire boy? What are you gonna do, hunt mice for real?" Plagg said.

"No, I'm just clearing my mind. I can't keep draining blood from vampires just because I'm the only dhampir on earth who is the 'cure' to sunlight immunity" Cat Adrien said and then heard street dogs barking from the distance.

"I'm afraid you have to learn quick survival! Dogs chase cats!" Plagg said and hid in the walls.

"This cat is no scaredy-cat" Cat Adrien smirked and saw the street dogs sniffing after him, "Time for a hypnosis stare competition" Cat Adrien chuckled and stood still.

The dogs arrived at the scene and Cat Adrien used his hypnotic stare at them. The dogs froze as they directly stared, waiting for a command. Cat Adrien chuckled that his hypnosis really does work on animals than just humans.

"I command you to sit down," Cat Adrien said and the dogs sat down as commanded, "Good, now rollover"

The dogs rolled over back and forth while their master just laughed. Cat Adrien morphed back to human since he needs to snap his fingers to release them. They looked confused and they saw him standing there out of nowhere in the blink of an eye. They simply walked away, not very interested in him to do anything.

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