Cat vs Fox

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Adrien was at home glaring at his father about last night. He was levitating himself to his father's height while crossing his arms. For the first time, he's never been angry at his father.

"Do I seriously have to dispose of vampire hunters, father? Who knows if my half side will get out of control and I lose my mind or worse, attack you. You told me that you want me to be more human" Adrien glared, almost having the urge to hypnotize his father but he held back.

"You know vampire hunters show no mercy to vampires. Sooner or later they'll get you" He said.

"How ironic. I've just started bonded with Marinette, she makes me feel more human" Adrien said.

"So be it, Adrien" His father replied.

"No more killing?" Adrien guessed.

"You decide but if they capture you, you're on your own. Like I said, they don't show mercy to your mother's kind" His father said, hoping that his son will learn.

Adrien levitated himself down, "You're just playing with me. If it makes you happy, fine. But if I really go out of control, I would become like those real monsters. Where's the victim?"

"I could become one of them if you lost control" His father.

"Father, the victim. Where is he? I'm starving right now" Adrien's fangs extend out that he's losing patience and not in the mood to listen to his father's nonsense.

"Adrien, relax!" His father demanded.

Adrien's eyes went briefly red until he calmed himself down, "See father? This is what I'm afraid of. Aggression. I don't wanna be a monster" Adrien said, clutching his growling stomach that is making him go crazy for blood that he needs.

"Alright come with me" His father brought him to the basement where a vampire hunter was tied up, his weaponry on the floor.

"Thanks" Adrien muttered and walked straight up to the victim and hypnotized him to make him obey, "Don't worry. This will all be over quickly. I command you to not move or scream" He said and his prey obeyed him.

The dhampir sank his fangs in the victim's neck, drinking the blood hungrily, waiting for the tranced victim to slowly die so that no evidence will be exposed to humanity about vampire existence. Adrien felt this victim trying to fight the hypnosis but he sunk his fangs deeper to break the veins to kill him to stop the heart. His father watched as Adrien drains his victim.

Adrien waited until finally, the victim had no pulse. He moved his mouth away from the victim's neck, "This victim was very strong. Anyways, father. This will be my last victim. Please, no more killing. This is what you want, not what I want. Revenge has no place in justice" Adrien said, hoping that his father understands because he doesn't wanna drain victims for the rest of his life.

"So be it" His father replied.

"I'm serious, father. I don't want to be a monster" Adrien levitated himself to float upstairs from the basement and into the lobby and finally upstairs to his bedroom.

"Kid, perhaps it will be the time you need breathing exercises to calm your lust. Lust is like an addiction you know" Plagg came out of his hiding.

"I know what you mean, Plagg. I was doing so well with controlling my vampire side but now my father had to ruin it" Adrien floated to his bed go lie down.

"Maybe a patrolling will clear your head?" Plagg suggested.

"I guess but Ladybug and I never patrolled. Claws out" He transformed into Cat Noir and opened the windows with his telekinesis. He ran up on the rooftops.

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