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Cat Noir couldn't protect his love and fight vampires at the same time. The only thing he needs is to protect his princess because she's more important to him. He found a room for medical treatment and he has to make it quick before those hunters or vampires find them. He patched her leg up and wraps around with a bandage.

"That should stop the bleeding," Cat Noir said.

"Thanks but I don't know if I'm capable to fight in this condition," Ladybug said.

"You got any lucky charm ready?" Cat Noir asked.

"I need to stay transformed, kitty. If I do that, I'll transform back" Ladybug said.

"Fair enough, let's get out" Cat Noir carried her.

"If there are hunters, maybe you can hypnotize them and they can hunt real vampires instead of you this time." Ladybug held onto him.

"I could try, milady" Cat Noir said.

"Then let's do this. Tell me when to close my eyes" Ladybug said.

"Okay. Here they come" Cat Noir heard them run.

"There they are!" The vampires spotted them.

Cat Noir knew that hypnosis won't work on them but crushing their hearts literally with his telekinesis will. He concentrated his mind as he lifts them all up and smashed them against the wall, squeezing their hearts inside their chests with his telekinesis.

"AAARRRGGGGHHH!!!" They screamed in pain from their hearts getting squeezed hard and they fell limp on the floor.

"There's the exit!" Ladybug saw an exit.

"Hold up, milady. It's too easy. I smell a trap. I know it" Cat Noir holding her in his arms.

"Okay because now I hear a bigger threat coming," She said.

"It's gonna get very ugly, milady. Hold up! Someone's behind—-Agh!" Cat Noir felt something hit his arm and he saw it was a tranquilizer dart.

"Cat Noir!" Ladybug held him but got shot as well.


A while later, Cat Noir woke up but he felt extremely weak because of the wires attached to his arms were draining his blood. Like bloodletting. He could break free. He had to save his kwami.

"Plagg....claws in" He de-transformed weakly and his kwami came out of his ring.

"What are we gonna do, Adrien?" Plagg asked.

"Not we, you gotta find Ladybug. It's me that they're after. No time for questions, go find her. I hear someone coming. Go!" Adrien demanded his kwami.

"Okay." Plagg nodded and goes searching for her.

He heard the door open and he saw it was the bat-themed person, "Who are you?" Adrien asked.

"Such a pathetic dhampir you are. Just like the world has forgotten me. I am Bram Stoker or better yet, Dracula!" He introduced himself.

"Dracula! You aren't getting away with this!" Adrien struggled.

"I already have, half-mortal child! For you see, your blood is the cure for my children to step out in daylight but instead, it mutated them! You are the only living dhampir on the pathetic planet! Such a curse that your mother chose the human world over vampire kind!" Bram Stoker yelled.

"My mother is not a monster like you! And neither am I!" Adrien hissed like a vampire.

"Too bad your father won't see you again now that you're stuck with me. Even your special mortal lady" Dracula said.

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