Dhampir Out Of The Bag

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Marinette couldn't help but feel so in love with the boy that's like from the Twilight saga. A vampire and human romance but instead, this is a dhampir. A half-vampire and half-human that is both in one. Last night what Cat Noir said is that the girl he's talking about is actually herself that makes him feel more human. But he has no idea that she knows as a civilian that he's a dhampir. She wants him to tell her the truth first, not the other way around.

"This is gonna be complicated, if he finds out I'm Ladybug I hope he won't get furious," Marinette thought.

What she learned is that he likes to be charming and flirty towards Ladybug as Cat Noir while as Adrien he feels love at first sight for Marinette. Her thoughts were interrupted by the bell that class is over and Adrien was on his way downstairs to the locker room.

Adrien was talking to Nino that he is not sure whether he should tell Marinette what he is but he's afraid that she'll not like him.

"Come on, Adrien. It will be fine." Nino said.

"But what if she gets scared?" Adrien was not sure.

"Relax, I'll be with you," Nino said.

"I'm gonna become a scaredy-cat if this goes wrong" Adrien went high pitch.

"Really Adrien? You wouldn't" Nino replied.

"Um, hey guys" Marinette greets them.

"Oh, um, hi Marinette" Adrien stood there frozen.

"Am I bothering you two?" She asked.

"Not at all" Adrien blushed hard at the sight of her.

"Okay. I was gonna ask you something but lost track of it" Marinette said.

"Is it another walk in the city again?" Adrien guessed.

"Well....probably but I'm not so sure" Marinette was lost in thought of that.

"Um, well......there's actually I need to talk to you about" Adrien gulped hard and nervously.

"About what?" Marinette asked.

"In private please," Adrien said.

"Okay" Marinette knew what he's going to talk about so she pretended to not know.

Adrien looked back at Nino and did a gesture of pointing his eyes and at Nino, then did a swirling sign that if something goes wrong, he'll hypnotize Nino. Nino nods in agreement as Adrien brings Marinette to the boiling room.

As soon as they are alone without anyone to disturb them, Adrien took a deep breath and tries his best not to be scared or try to scare Marinette for what he is.

"Marinette, do you believe in supernatural like vampires and werewolves?" Adrien asked bravely.

"Never seen any but I believe in them," Marinette said.

"Everyone thinks they're not real but in fiction and movies. Or that legends and myths can be wrong from time to time when it hides the real truth. Marinette.....this is gonna be a bit of a shock but do you know why I have sharp reflexes the times I saved you from your falls the other day?" Adrien asked.

Marinette knows why but she plays it along so he doesn't think she found out.

"No, how?" She asked.

"The truth is that...I'm a dhampir" He revealed his fangs.

Marinette pretends to be shocked at his teeth but when she thought Adrien would be scared to think she's afraid of him, he was wrong. She pretends to think it's either plastic teeth for Halloween by touching it and what shocked her is that it's not plastic or anything else but real teeth from a dhampir model teen.

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