Cat Noir vs Dracula

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Cat Noir ran into the halls from getting shot by vampire hunters. He jumped to the left as the bullets hit the walls. He knew this won't be easy to fight both humans and vampires at the same time.

"Stop! Don't move!" The vampire hunter aimed his gun at him.

"Get out of my way!" Cat Noir tried to shoot him but the bullets were empty.

"Damn it!" He exclaims.

Cat Noir rushed into the weapons room and locked the door from behind, "Whoa! God almighty!" He saw a bunch of guns and swords, even crossbows.

"Hmm...I need something to pierce their hearts. Crossbows will have to do. I'm far too young to use this but I gotta survive and kill Bram Stoker" He grabbed the Automatic Crossbow.

He heard a smash against the wall and there stood the vampire brides. Hissing in starvation for half-human blood from the feline.

"There you are! Hide and seek is over, child! Here kitty kitty kitty!" One of them cackled.

"Watch this!" Cat Noir fires some arrows at them.

It hit their hearts and they screamed so loud they start to crumble into ashes.

"I'm an armed and dangerous cat!" He taunted them and ran against some other vampires and shot at them with the arrows.

One of them was left standing and Cat Noir lifted her up with his telekinesis, "Where is that vampire lord? Tell me or I'll sink my teeth in your neck. My fangs are much sharper than yours."

"He's at his own chamber, boy. But you won't leave here alive!" She said.

"I just killed your kind and survived. And for that, it's feeding time" Cat Noir sank his teeth in her neck to feed.

She screamed at the top of her lungs as he drained her. Cat Noir made sure she's dead so that he can stay healed to fight the lord, "Just you and me left, prince of darkness" He said to himself and tossed the corpse aside and picked up his weapon.

He ran to the chamber where Dark Lord had his coffin at. His cat ears twitched when he heard something from above and he saw more vampire brides flying down, "Seriously how many does he got?!" He gasps.

He did a forward roll to dodge the attack and tries to aim at them but there were too many of them. He noticed the swords on the display wall and he got an idea but he hopes his vampire power is strong enough.

"Hey brides!" He got their attention, "Till death do us part!" He said and screamed with much strength of his telekinesis as the glass displays shattered.

The blades hit them all one by one and made them crash across the floor. There was one bride standing and that's what the dhampir needed. Since he used his powers, he needs to feed again to regain his strength.

"How dare you kill them! I'll bite that puny neck of yours to death!" She hissed like the devil.

"Just try me!" Cat Noir replied.

The bride flaps her devil bat wings to attack him but the cat clawed her face and she got smashed against the wall. Cat Noir walked up to her and stomped on her wings to break them.

"No more flying for you!" He bites her to drain her.

The bride screamed in pain as he drinks her blood. He felt her struggle but he punched her chest hard to stun her. He kept on drinking blood until she died. He threw her aside and picked up the crossbow, aiming it at the coffin for the prince of darkness to come out.

"Say goodbye Dracula!" He prepared to fire.

But then, he got whacked by a bat monster, "Agh!" He crashed into the wall and tumbled down the stairs. He got up and saw the bat monster approach him.

"A cat like you forgot to land on his feet!" The bat monster laughed.

Cat Noir noticed the bat brooch on his chest, it was the miraculous he's using. He quickly got up and back handspring away from the monster to get enough room.

"Did I mention that your mother was naive?! All I ever wanted was her but she fell in love with a mortal! I sent my hypnotized hunters to kill her! But I never expected that she had a son! Dhampirs are supposed to not exist ever again!" Dracula roared at him.

"Yet you want my immunity to the sun! Face it you'll never have my powers!" Cat Noir yelled.

"Not until I have a sip of your blood from your neck!" Dracula roared and flaps his wings to attack him.

Cat Noir jumped over and kicks him in the back, "I will not let you destroy everyone I love!" Cat Noir strikes him with his staff.

The monster tries to fly out of here but Cat Noir clawed his wings, "You're not going anywhere!" He forced him down.

"DAMN KID!" Dracula slashed at his chest with his sharp nails.

"Agh!" The feline got hurt but that was a big mistake as his feline eyes turned red, "Bad move!" His anger triggered his miraculous ring and he started to transform......into a Werecat creature.

"What is this?!" Dracula gasps.

"The creature who will defeat you!" Werecat Noir growled.

Dracula morphs back to a vampire monster as Werecat Noir roared at him. He tackled him into some machinery but got punched twice by Monster Dracula and they flew up to a higher level crashing into other objects. Dracula tries flying away but Werecat Noir pulls him down to the ground causing them to crash.

"CATACL—-ARGH!" He was about to use his power but he got whacked by the monster.

"Little fool, you think you can defeat the prince of darkness?!" Dracula taunted him.

Suddenly, a yo-yo swish sliced both of his wings from his back, "AAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!" The prince of darkness screamed and saw his wings sliced off.

"Ladybug!" Werecat Noir saw his lady.

"Cat Noir? You used your rage?!" Ladybug saw him in a cat creature form.

"Yes, to finish him off." Werecat Noir replied.

"Look out!" Ladybug saw Dracula waking up.

Werecat Noir tackled the vampire down and clawed his face multiple times but got kicked. His transformation was slowly wearing off but it became partial to slowly human form.

"Your nine lives are up!" Dracula roared with slash marks on his face.

"Not if I can help it!" Cat Noir struck him again but this time Dracula grabbed his wrist.

"You're no match for me, child! Not even that pretty girlfriend of yours!" Dracula taunted him but he was not finished, "What do you think of me as a new god?!"

"I find you unworthy!" Cat Noir snarled and wrapped his legs around the vampire's neck and flipped him over, "And your regime of terror ends now!" He rears his fist back.

Ladybug tossed the wooden stake to her partner. With a loud yell, Cat Noir stabs Dracula in the heart.


"And I think if you're gonna kill someone, kill them! Don't stand there talking about yourself!" Cat Noir stabbed him deeper.

As the prince of darkness is stabbed, his body crumbles into crispy ash as his flesh turned black and all that is left is his skeleton and the miraculous brooch of the bat.

"Now you can rule in Hell" Cat Noir stared at the corpse.

"Cat Noir, we did it" Ladybug walks up to him.

He picks up the brooch and hands it to Ladybug, "Yes we did. You nearly scared me there"

Ladybug noticed the cuts on his chest, "You're bleeding"

"I'm fine, milady. I promised myself not to drink your blood to heal. I'm not breaking that promise" Cat Noir said.

"Let's get out of here," Ladybug said, holding him.

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