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The next day, Cat Noir and Ladybug encountered a second kurai monster that is a female Frankenstein in school, their science teacher. She was absorbing electricity from the lights, their cellphones, and other electrical appliances. Ladybug saw that the shadowy kurai entered her teacher's pen a few minutes ago before she transformed into Mrs. Stein.

"Ok any ideas milady?" Cat Noir tries to fend Mrs. Stein.

"We need something water but where can we get a lot of water?" Ladybug asked.

"The shower room?" Cat Noir guessed.

"That could work. Lead her to the shower room!" Ladybug instructed her partner.

"Okay! Come and get me!" Cat Noir lured Mrs. Stein to the boy's locker room, which was empty of course.

"Enough playing around you pussy cat! Come here so I can make your fur static!" Mrs. Stein demanded him but he was busy running on all fours to lure her to the boys' locker room and into the shower room.

"Not a chance Monster!" Cat Noir taunts her. He saw Ladybug and she signaled him to use his hyperspeed to turn on all the showers one by one.

"Time to get wet!" He turns on all the showers in the blink of an eye with his hyperspeed, drenching Mrs. Stein.

"Lights out!" Ladybug taunted and Mrs. Stein got electrified by the mix of water and once Cat Noir turned them off, he grabbed the pen at super speed.

"Cataclysm!" He used it to release the kurai.

Ladybug saw the shadowy bat getting away but she caught with her yo-yo to purify and let the microbat fly freely. She and Cat Noir saw Mrs. Stein transforming back to their science teacher.

"Pound it!" They fist-bumped.

Ladybug heard her earrings beeping that she's gonna transform back, "See ya soon my kitty. Bug out" She ran out the door.

"See you Bugaboo" Cat Noir ran the other way.

He morphed into a cat to blend in so that he can find a place to hide to transform back to his normal self. He hides in the locker room, morphed back to Cat Noir, and then said the de-transformation words.

"Plagg claws in!" He turns back to Adrien.

"That was fun with that super speed of yours," Plagg said.

"Shhh....hide" Adrien hears someone coming and Plagg hid in his owner's jacket.

"Adrien, where are you?" He heard Nino's voice.

"Nino? I'm in the locker room!" Adrien called out and he found his buddy, sighed in relieved that he's okay.

"Dude, you could've used hyper speed to get everyone to safety but Ladybug and Cat Noir got here just in time to save our science teacher" Nino explained what happened.

"Uuhhhh.....actually I would have saved you guys but you know it would be strange to them how a half-human is super fast," Adrien said.

"Good point there. But the heroes took care of it" Nino said.

"I super heard everything with my hearing, Nino" Adrien lied since he did everything with Ladybug.

"Okay then. Well, let's get back to class." Nino said.


After school was over, Adrien was talking with Nino at his mansion about telling his crush his secret. Nino was very surprised at the story when Adrien said that Marinette did not react.

"She was brave like Ladybug. That sweet girl is so....fearless." Adrien swooned and was almost about to fall but Nino caught him, snapping his fingers to get his pal back to reality.

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