Cat Noir

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Adrien did his homework for 30 minutes. It was easy than his homeschool style. But then, when he put his homework papers in his school bag, he felt something that he doesn't remember putting in his school bag.

"What's this?" He picked out a small box.

When he opened it, a green bright flash made his eyes squint for a few seconds until he saw what looks like a cat-like mouse. It let out a yawn from its slumber.

"Wow...what are you? A genie?" Adrien awed at how cute this black thing is.

"I'm a kwami. The name's Plagg" Plagg introduced himself.

"Okay, I'm probably imagining things. A kwami is not even a word. But you are kinda cute like a cat plushie" Adrien said.

"Oh boy. You're not pure human, are you? Judging by your teeth. Better yet, let's see what you can do. Catch me, little boy!" Plagg flew around the room to see what his new chosen can really do.

Adrien looks around and then caught him with his speed.

"Whoa almighty! You're definitely not human! That explains the fangs!" Plagg was impressed but he managed to slip out of his grip.

"Come back here!" Adrien tried again to catch whatever that thing is. He concentrated on levitation to move fast to catch that kwami.

"Catch me again!" Plagg flew around.

"Are you challenging me?" Adrien grinned and concentrated on his telekinesis with his hands to catch him.

"Hey let go!" Plagg strains while struggling.

The dhampir brought him close to him, "I still don't understand what you're doing here or how you got in my school bag" He held him with his telekinetic mind.

"Look, I'm a black cat kwami. I grant powers. Yours is the power of deconstruction. Got it?" Plagg told him.

"Nuh-uh" Adrien didn't get it.

"Good, now do you have anything to eat? I'm starving" Plagg complained how hungry he is.

"Okay let's see." Adrien ran in lightspeed to the kitchen and came with an apple, camembert, and a cracker.

Plagg grabbed the cheese and ate it greedily. Adrien cringed at the smell of the cheese and never noticed this creature is a greedy eater. This was very new to the dhampir teen.

"Wow. You like it do you?" He asked.

"I'm loving it," Plagg said.

"Anyways, you say you grant me powers. How do I do that?" Adrien asked.

"First put on your ring and say Plagg, claws out!" Plagg instructed him.

"Okay" Adrien puts the ring on his right ring finger, "Plagg, claws out!" He spoke out.

The creature got sucked in the ring which spooked Adrien when the magic surrounded him. The ring turned black with a paw mark on it and suddenly he swiped his hand over his eyes making a black mask with slit pupils in his eyes, he moves his hands over his head making leather cat ears appear along with his hair changing to a messier style. A whole leather suit appeared on him with s golden bell, finally, a belt appears as his tail and his claws strike, making a pose.

"Whoa, leather catsuit? Awesome!" He went into the bathroom to look at himself, "And my eyes are like a cat's too" He saw his feline eyes.

He also noticed that the catsuit is like stuck to his skin and it doesn't come off, especially the mask and the cat ears.

"Wow, I look like a cat. Maybe Cat Noir will do as my name" He said and took out his baton as his main weapon and when he pressed the paw button, it extended and hit his chin, "Ow!" He didn't expect that and he has no idea if Plagg can hear him, "Plagg, if you can hear me. How do I get my real clothes back?" He asked but apparently, Plagg can't communicate with him when the holder is transformed.

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