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That morning after getting his photoshoots, Adrien as Cat Noir was at the Notre Dame hanging upside like a bat talking to his lady partner. Of course, Ladybug knows that Adrien is being batty as always but it seems amusing whenever he does his cat puns to amuse her.

"I don't believe those monster stories, batty" Ladybug chuckled.

"I love to beat monsters than my imagination, milady. I did say I let my fangs behave but they make me look scary" Cat Noir smirked with his canines.

"Hilarious but next time become a vegan dhampir whenever I'm around so your 'incredible nose' doesn't attract your cravings" Ladybug scratching his chin.

"I got my cravings under control," Cat Noir said.

"Good boy. Now come down before you fall asleep" Ladybug chuckled.

"Nah, I think you turned my world upside down, milady" Cat Noir puts his arms behind his head, "Besides, I'm nocturnal like a bat and a cat at the same time. Bats eat bugs you know"

"Then I'm on your menu" Ladybug replied.

"Yum. But you're too beautiful to be eaten. And besides, you bring luck to me. You have a fang-tastic power of good luck" He purred from feeling his chin scratched by his lady partner.

"You and your funny puns" Ladybug smiled.

"MEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!!!!!!" A yowling came from the city and it made Cat Noir fall on top of Ladybug.

"That sounds like a werecat!" Ladybug got up with him.

"Let's go milady" Cat Noir ran with her.

They jumped off the roof of the cathedral and Cat Noir managed to slow down Ladybug and himself with his telekinesis as they reached the bottom.

"RAAAAARGH!!!" The werecat showed up.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Easy kitty! I'm a cat too!" Cat Noir got startled by a female Werecat with torn clothes.

"Juleka?" Ladybug recognizes the bracelet on her wrist.

"Is it her? But she dislikes cats" Cat Noir noticed too.

WereJulekat tries to scratch them but the heroes dodge her claws and tail. It seems that their friend got emotionally humiliated by someone or something else and her hate for cats turned her into a Werecat.

"Cat, keep her distracted, I need a lucky charm!" Ladybug ran to start to use a lucky charm.

"Got it! This is gonna become a catfight!" Cat Noir smirked and decides to play around with WereJulekat for a while.

WereJulekat then runs at him and tries to claw at him. This beast was very savage without her humanity. For a shy girl she is, it wasn't gonna be easy for the dhampir feline to calm the werecat down.

"Whoa, chill out Juleka!" Cat Noir jumps back and circled around on all fours, "Here kitty kitty kitty! Don't you wanna play with this black cat?" Cat Noir taunted but it only made WereJulekat angry.

"RAAAAAAGH!" She pounced at him.

"Agh! Panthers and house cats really don't get along" Cat Noir shrieked and tries his hypnosis stare to calm her down but he knew that his hypnosis only works on humans, not monsters, "Damn it! Where are you Ladybug?!" He looks around after Ladybug.

Suddenly they saw a laser dot hitting the ground and WereJulekat chased the dot. This gave Cat Noir an idea. While the Werecat is distracted, Cat Noir used his hyperspeed to grab the bracelet.

"I got it milady! CATACLYSM!" He used it to release the kurai.

"Good job, kitty! Time to de-evilize!" Ladybug lasso her yo-yo and caught the kurai, "Gotcha! Bye-bye little bat. Miraculous Ladybug!" She tossed her lucky charm up in the air and it scattered into ladybugs to fix up the damage.

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