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There was a time when seven boys and 5 girls are all like brother, sister, and most importantly they all are best friends and happy with each other, and their one happiness is their princess, the youngest in all, who is someone's sister, someone's best friend, and they are very protective over her and caring/pampered her like little baby or princess.

She was the link between the seven boys and other four girls.

They all are like inseparable....

But everyone know that there is nothing permanent in this world....

Just like that, all things ruined and every relationship shattered. All relation broke, by one incident or betrayal or misunderstanding or something else(you will find in story) make all hearts shatter into pieces....

After that incident their little princess disappeared from their lives, she was gone, with her all other relation gone with her too....

The bond broked and seven boys(bts) and four girls(bp) become stranger for each other, they never talk again with their own choice and give cold shoulder to each other......

What will happened when their little princess came back in their life, are they again become like when they are in past before incident, or something different happen??

Most importantly is their princess be like before when she back, or.............................

Let's find in story...........

Some spoilers:-

????:- Aww look at them they all are so cute together. May God save them from evil's eyes.

????:- Didn't know that, when one of them is not present here, they all will become like this.

Someone's POV:-

We all were very happy that time, and always be together, because of that bitch we all are suffering and hate each other.
I am waiting for her, come back here you bitch then I can show you, what happened when someone hurt my friends and family, when you came back, I swear to show you hell and torcher to death.
I am waiting for your return you bitch.

End of POV.

????:- She is not like before, she is changed.

????1:- I Love you.

????2:- I Love you too.

????:-Believe me ?????? is saying lie, it is not like what it seen.

Let's see if Broken Love can be reconstruct or not???????

Let's see what future are waiting for all of them.....

Some ships that will seen in story:-

Jinsso, Yoojen, Namro, Holis, and .................................

Note:- It's for story only, I don't ship them in real life.

Don't hate any idol, personality of idol in this is just for story so don't compared with real life, it's just for fun.

So no hate towards any Idol.

That's it for Prologue.

See you soon.......

Till than take care.......


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