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We all come university early as we get to know that our princess love studying, so surely come from today, and Aunt lee also make our schedule almost same as our princess mostly maknaes means Jimin, taehyung, jungkook and Mun-hwa have same classes, but we are also happy that we can see our princess, we know that when she come she will sit with blackpink as we all now sit in back and blackpink sit in front, before that we all sit in front but after our fight we sit in back, but that's okay at least we can see our princess and even jungkook is ready to sit in front with princess but we get message now from aunt lee that she will not come from today.

Suga:- I waste my precious sleep, and even don't get a chance to see my little princess.

Jungkook:- Hell I am going to our private room as I don't want in mood to attend any class.

Jimin & Taehyung:- Me too.

Jin&Namjoon:- Stop right there, you three are not going to bunk any class.

The maknaes whined.

Hobi:- It's good to come early, we didn't get to hear high pitch voices, let's go to our class and wait there before any of our fan girls show us.

Suga:- Nice idea let's go, and I can take a nap before class started.

All are done with him.

Suga:- What?

They:- Nothing hyung/suga let's go.

They went to their class, and mind in their own world.

Like namjoon started reading book, suga is like sleeping as you know, jin and hobi watching some videos on phone, while maknaes are playing games.

Suddenly door open harshly, and some yelling and cursing are coming we look there and found black pink are coming inside with pissed face,

Jennie:- Why aunt lee not let princess come today, I freaking wake early because to saw her and talk with her, why the fuck...(cutted by Jisso)

Jisso smacked her on head and said:-

Jisso:- Watch your language bitch.

Rose:- Unnie you are also cursing.

Jisso:- I am also frustrated and pissed off.

Lisa:- Leave it guys, let's bunk class, why we attend this boring class.

Rose&Jennie:- Yes, and it doesn't ...(cutted by Jisso)

Jisso:- No we are not going to bunk, now sit on our seat and wait for starting of class, and till than do whatever you want, but just don't eat my brain.

They also took their seat, when they are talking we literally cover our mouth, and we don't want that they listen our laugh, as we know that it's not in good, as our relation with them is bad and don't want to make more worse, not now as princess is back.

Students:- Bts and blackpink come early today.

That time bp look behind and stare at us, now by seeing their face, we understand that realisation hit them that when they was talking we all present from that time and they immediately turn their heads.

And after that teacher also come and Miss, Choi was started teaching, than suddenly someone barge in the room without knocking and when we look who come inside we all froze by look, it's our princess, we are just shocked and froze on our place because we never see our princess in such type of dress and this improper behavior , after miss Choi told everyone that she is old student who come back after 5 years, we see many students who know us are also in shock by looking her, and new students are.. what to say boys are checking her and girls are jealous, and after listening her introduction we get more shocked, it's like what happened to our innocent baby, she is seemed as badass , we have to talk with her but we don't want to interrupt in class as for now we hyungs control our maknae to create scene, but some how Yoongi hyung is looking proud with her attitude, and when teacher said her to seat wherever she want, princess is looking like that she was finding some one, and we thought she will seat with blackpink but we are wrong she is coming toward us wait a minute in real she is coming toward us we see blackpink are shocked too as she not went to them and she is coming to us but our happy face turned into sad, confusion, jealous and anger, because she sit with someone else and he is a boy and she called him oppa and he called her baby, now we all are out of our control but sake of our reputation we are just silently sitting on our seat as dead rats.
Only one thing in all of our mind is running is he is our princess boyfriend...
But our thoughts were ruined by miss Choi agai as she called her to test her, and now we think that our princess is change she will not like before so she doesn't solve the question, and the question which miss Choi given to solve is hardest one even Namjoon/hyung take minimum 7 minutes to solve it, but again our princess give us shock and make us speechless as she solve in less than a minute and she also speak for herself too, and we are now proud of our princess but we have to confront her for many things, she come and sit with her so called oppa.

End of Bts POV.

(Well I am not writing blackpink pov as they have also think the same but with little different, as it will be become boring while reading again and again almost same shit, so I think my smart reader will understand the situation)

So back to where we leave the story in previous part and to expose who was that oppa.

???:- I am proud of you my baby my princess, you always give everyone shock.

Moon:- Thankyou Taemin oppa.

Taemin:- Mansion not baby, now let me concentrate.

Moon:- Okay oppa.

And after that taemin concentrate on class while Moon is scrolling her phone as she was already study what teacher was teaching and about bts they are staring them and same goes for bp too, they are also time by time checking on her, while Moon is aware of them but she ignored it like she is dumb and not know anything.

And after that taemin concentrate on class while Moon is scrolling her phone as she was already study what teacher was teaching and about bts they are staring them and same goes for bp too, they are also time by time checking on her, while Moon is...

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Lee Taemin new character.

Adopted by Lee Jongsuk.

Treat Moon as his own sister.

25 years old.

Have a girlfriend.

He was Mun-hwa one of spy who give her each and every detail of her family and friends.

And he is the one who manage her fashion designing company in Korea, with his girlfriend and he is also a mafia.

He came here with his girlfriend 1 years before as there is something wrong, someone was betraying Moon and expose details, so Moon send him here with his girlfriend.

That's for now other detail will be ahead if it needed.

Today's chapter ended here . .....

See you in next chapter.....

Till than take care.....


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