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Time skip in the morning:-

Five girls who are non another than Kim Jisoo, Kim Jennie, Park Rose, Min Lisa, and Lee Mun-hwa, are sleeping peacefully in each other embrace without any tension....

But it didn't last, because the annoying sounds started disturbing their beauty sleep...

Due to irritation, Moon press her face in someon's chest, as she is cuddling, and the one in which Moon snuggles into is her Jisoo unnie, and she is hugged by two person at same time, one is her Jisoo unnie, and other one was her Rose unnie.....


Their sleeping positions......

More loud sounds started occurring....

Jennie:- Who the fuck set the alarm,huh?.

Jisoo:- Yah Kim Jennie, why the hell you are cursing in morning in front of kids huh, and today is college/university so we have to go, so I set the alarm, so now get up and get ready, and help me waking ... cutted by two voices.

Rose&Lisa:- We are up unnie.

Jennie:- Only our baby is still sleeping, even in that loud sound too, aww.

Jisoo:- Than It's good, that my princess didn't hear your cursing.

Lisa:- Umm unnie, don't forget our princess too curse like Jen unnie, and even you also curse on Jen unnie for cursing.

Rose:- Yah she is changed, but look her habits didn't changed.

Jisoo:- It's our fault that's why she is like this, we will again change our princess like before.

Jennie:- I am not sure unnie, I think this time she would changed us.

Jisoo:- Yah let me wake my baby up, we are getting late.

She than shake her but Moon more snuggles into her.

Jisoo:- Baby get up, we are late for college/university.

She tried more, even Rose tried too, but she didn't budge.

Jennie:- Princess get up, I will give you your favorite chocolate to eat.

Moon groan little, but still didn't get up.

Lisa:- Get up baby, I will give you icecream.

And now she fully wake up and sit on the bed.

Jisoo&Rose:- Yah baby, we love you so much, but you didn't budge when we tried to wake you up, but after hearing chocolate and icecream name you get up, huh. Both are pouting,(angry pout)

Moon:- Unnie your embrace gave me warmth, so I sleep more, but food make me awake.

She said and sheepely laugh at them.

After that they all laughed.

Jisso:- Okay, okay now let's get ready, or else we will get late.

Rest:- Okay eomma.

And they run from there.

Jisso:- Aish these kids.
But she secretly smile.

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