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Time skip at morning:-

Bp wakes up and found that they all are sleeping while cuddling pillow.

Bp:- What that was a dream, I think it was real.

Jisso:- You all saw baby in dream too.

Rest:- Yes.

Lisa:- Everything is same, we are at our house, our dress is changed we are sleeping while cuddling but in place of princess this pillow is here.

Before anyone could say anything, the room's door get opened making them startled.

That time Moon come with tray in her hand which have soup in bowls.

Bp:- Its  really Princess herself here, that means, it means, everything was real not a dream.

Moon:- Yes, now get up and drink this, so your headache will go away.

Jennie snatched the tray from her hand and put it on night stand, and hug her while the rest members also joined...

Bp:- We are sorry princess, please forgive us.

Moon:- Shh unnies you did same thing at night and I forgive you all and leave it and I am sorry too, because of me you... cutted by Bp.

Bp:- Don't say sorry baby, it's our fault not yours.

Moon:- No unnies, you all are ... just leave that, but because of me you feel pain, you broke your relation with them because of me, you went through bullying because of me, and many more things.

Bp:- No princess, it's not your fault it's our punishment as we don't trust you and trust on others and we deserve this not only this but more... cutted by Moon.

Moon:- No unnies you all went through much, in these 5 years you all are at worst condition...cutted by Bp.

Bp:- Leave that baby, past is past, let's not remember it, lets start everything newly and make new memorise and this time we will not let anyone ruin it, and you also said everything is not like before, and you also changed very much even us too, so let's start our new story.....

Moon:- Okay unnies, but because of me you all lost your love of your life, I know Jisso unnie have crush on Jin oppa, Jennie unnie have crush on Suga oppa, Rose unnie have crush on Joon oppa, and Lisa unnie have crush on hobi oopa, and plus lisa unnie and rose unnie don't talk with their  own brother.. cutted by bp.

Bp:- We love you more baby, and they was just our crush and you are our first love and precious gem, because of them we..., don't mind we don't want to remember again, and we hate them very much.

Rose & Lisa:- And about our so called brother, from start we love you more than them, and after that incident we only hate them.

Moon:- I see thats why, Jennie unnie make this beautiful mark on my world's famous face, and rose unnie hurts my precious butt.

Bp:- Huh what do you mean baby.?

Moon told them the whole things except the forcing things and killing thing, she made that after bid good bye to her dads she went to club to relax, and she found them passing out so she took them here.

And I forgot to mention that Moon informed her parents that she was with bp for sleepover as she was sad that her dads left so to make her mood, her bp unnies tell her to sleepover as girls night, and their parents happily agreed.

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