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Moon is currently in her private room, as she bunk the class because her taemin oppa has different class, so she didn't want to attend class because she doesn't want to sit with anybody else and mostly with bts or bp, so she ditch the class and playing games on her phone.

On the other hand bts and bp are more furious that Mun-hwa bunk her class and sad and disappointed too and don't forget about jealous side(bp are not jealous, they are little happy because bts are feeling bad and jealous,)
They have to attend class as their parents strictly told them to attend and any one bunk then they have to get punishment and about Moon, they are sure that she never bunk it, as they know that Mun-hwa love to study and she was the one who stubbornly took all of their oppas and unnies to attend class but now the situation is change, and the fact if anyone tell them that she is ditching classes, but no one will believe it, in L.A too she bunk her classes, but always get top in whole university so their teachers also don't say anything to her.

A too she bunk her classes, but always get top in whole university so their teachers also don't say anything to her

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By the way her private room

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By the way her private room.

Time skip to dance class:-

Now its time for dance class, so she starts walking to the direction, she was again, 2 minutes late, but she care, a big nooo.

She again barge inside the room making everyone flinch, and she went inside, while bts, bp, taemin and other students are sitting there.

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