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Present Time:-

Both the maknaes aka Jungkook and Mun-hwa, get up before any bp members awake, it's clear that, both evil maknaes are plotting something against their noonas/unnies, they share the look and smirk at each other.

Both take some make ups products, and other things and draw on the face of bp.

After doing their work/masterpiece, both went to their room while laughing, and both did their morning routine, and went down, and leave a note to them, that the both are leaving early, as they want to eat breakfast out and they will meet with them directly at their college/university.....

Jungkook and Mun-hwa, went on Mun-hwa's bike, and went to a cafe and order chocolate pancakes and chocolate waffles, which they both share and jungkook order his favorite banana milk, and Mun-hwa ordered cold coffee for her.

Both are enjoying their breakfast while talking too.

Jungkook:- It will be fun to see the reaction of noonas after knowing what we both done to their faces.

Moon:- True tho.

Kookie:- But if we were there, than till now we are getting scolded and getting beated or else they took our favorite things from us, and even grounded both of us.

Moon:- But we still can see their reaction tho.

Kookie:- How?

Moon:- By hacking the cameras of mansion, there.

Kookie:- Well than why we are waiting, lets get it and watch their reactions.

And both evil maknaes started hacking camera to see what is happening there.

At Bp side after kookie and Moon left:-

Jisso wake up first and stretch herself, and than look at the time.

Jisso:- Oh shit i should have to wake up early, i have to wake others fast or we all will get late.

Jisso then get up and take a look on them to wake them up, but after seeing the scene, she screamed with high pitched voice.

Jisso:- Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.

By hearing her loud scream, other bp members also get up and looked at Jisso.

And after looking at her the three also shouted.

Jen,lisa,rose:- Ahhhhhhhh.

Bp:- Yah who are you.

Bp:- Wait a minute Jisso unnie, Jen lisa and rose.

They all speak at same time.

Bp:- Yes, but what happen to your/you all faces.

Bp:- What do you mean.?

And all checked their face in their phone.

Bp:- Yahhh Jeon Jungkook and Lee Mun-hwa, where the hell are you two, come out or we will beat the shit out of you both.

And they started looking for them.

Lisa:- Yah unnies i get a note, those freaks left early after doing this with our faces and said that they will eat in cafe and meet us in college/university.

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