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Moon or Mun-hwa

Moon took her phone and see her uncle Kim Bum is calling.

Moon:- Why he is calling me now, let's see.

She attend the call.


Moon:- Hello Uncle Bum.

K.B:- How many times I have to remind you to call me dad princess.

Moon:- Sorry Dad Bum.

Dad:- How are you princess?

Moon:- I am good, what about you and mommy(Bum's wife aka Suzy) and others.

Dad:- I am also good and your mommy is missing you very much and others are also good.

Moon:- I am also missing you all.

Dad:- Lie, if you are missing us, than in first place you will not leave us without informing

Moon:- How many time I have to say sorry dad, you know na...

Dad:- Ow my princess don't pout, I just missed you that's why I said to you that okay.

Moon- It's been 5 year dad but you always guess my actions without seeing my face.

Dad:- I am not your biological dad but my bond is not less than your father, my princess and now don't try to cry okay baby princess.

Moon:- I am okay dad, tell me why you call me at this time.

Dad:- I know you will remember that your parents marriage anniversary is coming.

Moon:- Yes dad.

Dad:- And you also know, after you leave us we don't throw any lavish party.

Moon:- Yes and I am angry for that.

Dad:- How can we celebrate without our little princess, huh.

Moon:- But this time you have to as it is 25th marriage anniversary of my both parents.

Dad:- You remember that.

Moon:- How cannot huh, you love me as your own daughter and what you think, that I can't  remember that huh, I just only tease you by calling you uncle I love you as I love dada (dongwook),and dads same goes for mommy.

Dad:- Sorry my princess for doubting you.

Moon:- I know dad, you was just kidding with me.

Dad:- You got me. By the way I want you to come on that day.

Moon:-- Sorry Dad, I cant.

Dad:- But why princess?

Moon:- Due to my exams dad (lie), you know I don't want to fail, so that all world make fun of me.

Dad:- No one dare to touch or hurt my princess even in dream, I will kill them with my bare hands.

Moon:- Cool down dad.

Dad:- Okay so i am not going to celebrate without you.

Moon:- No way dad you have to, don't you love me, for me you have to and also help me to persuade my dada and momma too.

Dad:- I love my princess more than myself, but..

Moon- No but you have to if you really loves me.

Dad:- sigh, Okay, if it's your wish.

Moon:- So listen you have to........................

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