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And the door get opened revealing, All parents with different emotions and feelings on their face and in their heart, which are hard to explain.......

Bum:- How did you all dare to hide everything from us, huh. And you Jin and tae how can you two slap my princess, huh, and you my stupid son tae that's not love you idiot, and most importantly Love can't be forced, and you all, I am very disappointed in all of you, and my dear brother jisung and jongsuk you two also know everything but didn't think to telling us, informing us about it, it's a big matter, you punks huh.

Dongwook:- I don't think that time when I get little hints about it or you can say because of my observations I was little doubtful that something is wrong with all of my kids , but I never think the matter will be this big and complicated. What you all think of yourself hmm, I feel that something is happen between you all but I decided to not interfere and I assured myself by thinking that you all are so close that you all will do everything for each other's happiness and protect each other and never let anyone distance from each other because of any outsider, but I am so disappointed with you all, as you all proved me wrong....

Jongsuk:- Hyungs and noonas ,if you all hear our little discussion which is just a part of the actual reality, so I think you all should firstly listen everything, than give us your views and scoldings too.....

Parents :- What else left us to know more, huh?

Without dragging the argument/conversation more, they all(Bts, bp and Jisung & Jongsuk) tell them the whole past.....(The past I write in previous chapters so I will not repeat it here again)

Suzy:- So the thing is, that Princess know about everything before that and kookie also knew it, but she was sad and left you all.

Joboah:- Well if we only leave taehyung point of story, than its just all childish misunderstandings and it shows that you all are kids at that time, and my baby too, after being intelligent , she was sensitive and overthinker, and it's also not her fault too because at that time she was at her growing age and that time many things changes in her body both physically and mentally, and all know that at teenage many hormonal changes occurred in our body which make you feel sad, depressed, change in behavior, insecureness, and much. More things, and above that some time some person feel to do suicide, or get addicted to drugs, alcohol etc....

You know what, if you all tell us everything that time, may be we will not let that happen it all, which you all went through and feel so much pain, that's why there is also chapter on Adolescent and teenager, so they will not take any wrong steps and talk about their problems with their parents or any family members which are they close to them, even with friends or any elder which they are close and can share their feelings. I also know not everyone's parents or their family are the one who take it seriously and don't console them much, but without trying you can't get to the results tho, and when you take the risk to do wrong things than before doing that you can take the risk to talk with someone and make them understand your feelings and try to understand what they are saying before making the conclusion yourself, even you can talk with your teacher too with whom you are comfortable, well leave it for now as that time passed away already.....
And Taetae my child, why don't you talk with anyone of us or if you feel that we can't understand you, you had 4 elder brothers and 4 elder sisters and 1 brother as same age of yours and also was your soulmate, you idiot, and well you also went through that age, which makes that feelings of your and your anger was not controllable....

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