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Dongwook:- No you are not going back.

And others nodded their head in agreeing.

Moon:- No dadda I can't, I have to go back my company is there, my study and I am under training by dads and also...(cutted by Jo Bo Ah.).

Jo bo ah:- Your company is here too,you can work from here just like you work from there, and about your study you will study in our university with rest of your oppas and unnies, and about your training I get to know you finished all of your training 3 years back, so don't make wrong reason.

Others:- Princess you don't love us now, you forget us, we are hurt.

Moon:- No that's not, I don't forget you all and I love you all but try to understand.

Kim Bum:- No you are not gonna back, and that's final.

And others nodded their head.

(BY the way bts and bp were silent, they are just listening, as they are feeling very hurt as because of them she don't want to live here and want to go back)

Moon:- No I can't, dads help me and make them understand.

They (Jongsuk and Jisung)try to open their mouth but shut their mouth without speaking as the both get death glares from others.

Moon:- Dads sung and suk why are you both not you speaking huh.

Jongsuk:- Sorry princess they are right, you have to live with them as your training is completed and you can complete your study here.

Jisung:- And you can handle your company from here too, and they missed so much and it's been 5 years too, so now you are fully ready to handle everything.

Moon:- What the hell dads, how can you do this with me, you both betrayed me huh,  and how can you all handle there.

Kim Suzy:- You Jisung brat, what you teach my princess huh to cursing like you two, o my innocent baby.

Moon:- Mommy no they don't teach me that , it's common in L.A to curse especially in mafia business.

Dongwook:- And now it's final you are not going back there.

Moon:- But dadda, how dads can manage there, they need my help...(cutted by jo bo ah)

Jo bo ah:- They are the one who handle there before you, and they can handle it, and there are others too who can help them in handling everything.

Moon:- But.....

All:- No but princess and that's final, and if you love us than you have to say yes or we think that you don't love us anymore.

Moon thoughts:- Now what can I do that's why I don't want to come here, how I get out from this, there is no choice, I think, in future I have to come back here and tackle them, so why not now, for them,(bts and bp) I don't hurt my parents and uncles and aunts who love me more than anyone, when I can handle everything perfectly, I will also handle the future situation too)

Moon:- Fine , I will stay here, don't say again that I don't love you all.

They clap their hands in happiness.

Jo bo ah:- Now it's very late, we have to go back and rest.

All:- Okay.

And all back to their mansion and all are happy that finally their princess is back.

Broken LOVE??? (BTS×BP×You)Where stories live. Discover now